11. Creatures

This chapter provides a wide range of potential encounters, whether stalwart allies, loyal pets, vicious animals, or supernatural beings, as well as sample characters from the past, fantasy settings, the modern world, and the future. There is no difference rules-wise between a creature and a nonplayer character—the gamemaster characterizes them with description and roleplaying. They all follow the same rules as characters. However, they each represent an appropriate specimen and are not balanced in the same fashion as a player character. You can use these creatures ‘as is’ or customize them as desired. No optional rules are used in these descriptions, though you can add or modify those as required (see Customizing Creatures and Nonplayer Characters.

All entries are described as ‘creatures’ for convenience, though they might be human or unliving machines.

Format for Entries

Nearly every creature and nonplayer character follows the same format, though natural animals are in an abbreviated table.

  • Name: A generic title.
  • Description: Brief information about the entry.
  • Characteristics: Characteristics are presented in both a rolled range and an average (below). Some entries may have missing characteristics: it is either negligible or not applicable (see Creatures Without Characteristics).
  • Hit Points (HP): Usually the average of SIZ and CON, for some entries, hit points may be figured differently, such as by POW or another characteristic. At 2 hit points a living creature is unconscious or otherwise incapacitated, and when it reaches or goes below 0, it dies.
  • Movement Rate (MOV): The primary means of movement is listed first. Creatures that are immobile have no MOV rate.
  • Damage Modifier (DM): The average for the average creature, if any. Recalculate if necessary for larger or smaller specimens.
  • Armor: The armor value and type of armor, if any.
  • Attacks: The attack type, the skill rating, and damage roll. For attacks, ‘+dm’ means it is included, and ‘+½dm’ is when damage modifier is halved. Special combat abilities or conditions are noted here. All available attacks occur on the same DEX strike rank, unless specified otherwise. Generally, a claw attack does 1D6+dm, and a bite or horn does 1D3+dm.
  • Skills: The most relevant skills for an average encounter. For unlisted skills, humans have the base chances as a default, and additional skills should be determined by the gamemaster as appropriate (see Measuring Skill Ratings).
  • Powers: Any powers an average specimen possesses, with types specified if necessary.

Power points are not listed but are equivalent to POW, where applicable.

Creatures Without Characteristics

Some creatures have a ‘—’ in place of certain characteristics, meaning it is not applicable or has a value of 0. A creature without a characteristic cannot be affected by attacks against or conditions that affect that characteristic. Following are guidelines for creatures lacking specific characteristics:

  • Strength (STR): A creature without STR cannot interact with physical objects, other than moving around them.
  • Constitution (CON): A creature without CON is immune to disease, radiation, poison, and other attacks requiring a resistance roll versus CON. It is never tired or fatigued. If it has SIZ and a material presence, its hit points are based on a different characteristic.
  • Size (SIZ): A creature without a SIZ lacks a physical body or has a microscopic one. It usually cannot interact with physical objects. Its hit points are likely based on CON, if it has any conventional hit points at all.
  • Intelligence (INT): Intelligent, sentient creatures have the normal range of INT, while animals and other non-sentient creatures possess ‘fixed’ INT, generally a rating of 3–5, and are ruled by instinct, not reason. A creature with fixed-INT or with no INT is unaffected by powers that affect rational thought, though it may be affected by powers that manipulate emotions.
  • Power (POW): Even without POW, a creature may still have power points, but it does not regenerate them normally. Instead, it has some power or special ability letting it gain power points. Like living creatures, when it reaches 0 it is ‘unconscious’ until it somehow regains at least 1 power point.
  • Dexterity (DEX): A creature without DEX is either immobile or is essentially stationary. If it has an attack, this this occurs on DEX rank 1.
  • Charisma (CHA): Though all creatures have some form of CHA, it is rarely relevant to those not of the same species. If necessary, assign CHA based on 1D6 for plain and featureless creatures, up to 6D6+ for beings of divine beauty. If relevant, temporarily modify the CHA of a creature from another species by –10 while dealing with those outside its species.

Creatures as Player Characters

Players may want to experience the game by role-playing members of non-human races (this bestiary calls every nonhuman a “creature”), especially in settings where they’re appropriate such as fantasy or science fiction. Wanting to play radically different creatures from humankind is a natural desire for role-playing, and if doing so fits the gamemaster’s choice of setting, it should be allowed. However, certain creatures are easier to role-play than others.

Incomplete creatures (those without a value in one or more characteristics) are often too limited for enjoyment. Additionally, it may be less enjoyable for a player attempting to role-play a creature whose INT characteristic is generated with a roll of less than 3D6 (or 2D6+6).

The gamemaster may also discourage players from trying to role-play extremely powerful or philosophically unappealing beings, based on the setting and the particular campaign. For example, in a fantasy setting where the majority of the player characters are playing elves, the gamemaster may not allow players to create trolls or dwarf player characters due to the strife that these (traditional) elf-enemies will bring to the group. Alternatively, a modern horror campaign where characters are fighting occult threats may be inappropriate for a demonic or angelic player character (despite their appropriateness to the setting). Similarly, if the creature would create undue difficulties due to its very nature, such as extreme size, social enmity, or cultural elements, the gamemaster should disallow players to choose to run it as a player character race. All such decisions are at the gamemaster’s discretion, and the player should ask the gamemaster if they are permitted to run a particular type of creature in the campaign.

These warnings aside, all creatures in this chapter are presented in as much detail as is required for use as a player character, though the gamemaster may wish to expand these entries to suit their particular setting and campaign. It is assumed in most cases that these statistics represent full-grown or mature versions of the creatures, meaning that the gamemaster should be able to limit the range of powers available to a player character version of the creature, with the assumption that in time, the player character creature may learn these additional powers and special abilities.

To choose whether or not a particular creature is suitable for the campaign as a player character, the gamemaster should ask three questions:

  • Is a player character version of this creature inappropriate for the campaign setting?
  • Will this creature cause difficulties for other players or the course of the campaign?
  • Will this creature unbalance the rest of the campaign?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, the gamemaster is advised to disallow the creature for use as a player character, or to do so with the most stringent of conditions or special allowances.

Sanity Loss and Ceatures

This chapter contains many creatures that might cause characters to lose sanity if viewed (see Sanity). The following creatures and can cause these SAN losses when a sanity roll is made.

CreatureSAN Roll SucceedsSAN Roll Fails
Alien, Grey0–1D6
Alien, Xenomorph1–1D8
Angel0 (or +1D3 SAN)–1D3
Cyborg (Grotesque)0–1D4
Demon, Greater1D3–2D6
Demon, Lesser1–1D6
Ghost0–1D4 (or more)
Mutant (Grotesque)0–1D4
Robot, Killer0–1D4
Vampire1–1D4 (or more)

Some natural creatures may cause SAN loss, depending on the circumstances. SAN loss also depends on the setting, as supernatural creatures are unremarkable in a fantasy setting.

Natural Animals

These creatures are familiar to most players and thus their descriptions only focus on game mechanics. These represent generic examples rather than specific breeds or species, and can be modified as desired.

Natural Creatures

NameSTRCONSIZPOWDEXMOVArmorHPDMAttack and %, DamageSkills
Alligator or Crocodile4D6+12
Walk 7
Swim 6
5 pt. hide22+2D6Bite 50%,1D10+dmDodge 30%, Hide 50%, Search 35%, Sense 30%, Stealth 75%, Track 15%
Walk 12
Swim 2
3 pt. fur17+2D6Bite 25%, 1D10; Claw 25%, 1D6+dmClimb 35%, Move Quietly 35%, Search 35%, Sense 35%
Walk 714 pt. hide57+7D6Tail Lash 50%, 1D6+½dm; Trample 75%, 7D6+dmListen 35%, Sense 30%, Spot 35%
Condor, Eagle. etc.3D6+12
Fly 14Walk 21 pt. feathers14+1D6Bite 45%,1D6; Claw 45%, 1D6+dm
Walk 10Swim 67–8–1D4Bite 30%, 1D6+½dm
Walk 10Swim 24-pt. skin45+6D6Trample 50%, 4D6+dm; Plunge 25%,6D6+dm; Trunk 50%, constriction; Gore 25%, 2D6+dm
Walk 12
Swim 2
3-pt. fur16+2D6Bite 45%, 2D6; Wrestle 45%, 3D6+dmClimb 70%, Hide 40%, Listen 35%, Move Quietly 60%, Search 30%, Sense 40%
Fly 12Walk 14–1D6Claw 45%, 1D4+dm;
Walk 12
Swim 2
1-pt. hide20+2D6Kick 20%, 2D8+dm; Plunge 10%, 2D6+dm; Bite 10%, 1D6Dodge 45%, Hide 25%,Move Quietly 25%, Sense 80%
Insect SwarmFly 12
Walk 10
See description.Search 50%
Walk 10
Swim 2
2-pt. skin14+1 D6Bite 40%, 1D10; Claw 60%. 1D6+dm; Rip 80%, 2D6+dmDodge 20%, Hide 20%, Listen 30%, Sense 40%, Track 15%
Rat PackWalk 10
Swim 6
# of packs ×5%, 1D3 damageClimb 75%, Search 75%, Swim 75%
Swim 105-pt skin23+2D6Bite 75%, 2D6+dm; Fin Slash 50%, 2D3+½dmSense 95%, Swim 100%
Snake (Constrictor)3D6+12
Slither 6
Swim 4
1-pt. skin15–16+1D6Bite 65%, 1D4+½dm; Constrict 40%, 1D6+dm;Swallow 100%, special
Snake (Venomous)2D4
10–11Slither 6
Swim 4
6–1D6Bite 70%, 1D2+1/2dm (impaling) + poison.Climb 50%, Dodge 50%, Hide 80%, Sense 65%, Stealth 90%, Swim 70%
Squid (Giant)10D6
Swim 10
‘Walk’ 4
2-pt. hide23+3D6Beak 45%, 1D10+½dm + poison; Tentacle 45%, 1D6+dmHide 70%, Swim 100%
Walk 122-pt. skin13–14/+1D6Bite 45%, 1D10+½dm; Claw 70%, 1D8+dm; Ripping 80%, 2D8+dmDodge 45%, Hide 80%, Jump 55%, Stealth 75%, Sense 70%, Track 50%
Tyrannosaurus Rex10D6+32
Walk 1210-pt. hide44/+6D6Bite 50%, 2D6+dm; Foreclaw 35%, 1D4+½dm; Kick 45%, 1D6+dmJump 50%, Listen 45%, Sense 35%, Spot 50%, Track 50%
Walk 102-pt. fur9–10Bite 30%, 1D8+½dmDodge 35%, Listen 75%, Sense 90%, Spot 60%, Track 80%

Notes on Natural Animals

Most natural animals have rudimentary intelligence (INT 3–5), rarely fight to the death, and are generally territorial in behavior. If a special success is rolled for any attack, bites and claws are slashing (rarely impaling), tentacles and constriction are entangling and crushing, tramples or kicks are crushing and potentially do knockbacks (based on the creature’s SIZ). For creatures with poison, that is covered in Poisons in Chapter 7: Spot Rules. Attacks are presented in the order of preference. Creatures with no Dodge skill either do not Dodge or the skill is not applicable. Damage modifiers are average; modify if the STR or SIZ indicate so.

Alligator or Crocodile: Alligators are smaller and weaker (–1D6 to STR and SIZ), have smaller jaws (1D8+dm), and are less aggressive than crocodiles.

Bear: Bears can attack twice in a round, using either two separate claw attacks or one claw and one bite attack. Grizzlies are larger, stronger (STR +1D6, CON +2, SIZ +2, +1 armor), and fiercer (+10% to combat skills). Polar bears are larger and more powerful (STR +2D6, CON +1D6+2, SIZ +2D6, +3 armor, +20% to attack skills, Swim 80%).

Brontosaur: Brontosaurs can attack once per round, using a tail lash or a trample if they are moving. The tail lash is an area-effect sweep attack. Trample is only used against targets who are prone or have a SIZ of less than 1/3 the brontosaur’s SIZ.

Dog: Wild dogs form packs of 1D8+3 or more. For larger dogs, use the statistics for wolves.

Elephant: Though they prefer to merely charge or trample, an elephant can attack with its trunk. If so, no damage is done. Instead, the target must make a resistance roll of their STR versus half the elephant’s STR. If they fail, they are placed in position to be automatically trampled on the next round. Alternatively, the elephant may fling the victim away, doing falling damage based on one meter per 3 points of the elephant’s STR. For every 6 SIZ points the victim has over 16, they drop two meters closer and take less damage.

Gorilla: A gorilla can attack twice each round. It may strike twice with its fists, bite and strike, or bite and grapple. If a grapple succeeds, it grips its target and does its full damage modifier each round. If grappling, it may continue to bite, an Easy attack. Female gorillas are smaller than males (–1D6 to STR and SIZ).

Hawk: A hawk attacks with both claws simultaneously and bites 5 ranks later.

Horse: Horses not trained for combat flee when encountering blood, fire, gunfire, screams, or explosions. Warhorses are trained for violence and hold ground if the rider succeeds with a Ride check. Warhorses are usually bred for ruggedness (+2 to STR, CON, and SIZ).

Insect Swarm: The size of the hive determines the number of stings inflicted each round. A tiny wasp nest can sting 1D6 times per round, scaling up to a huge beehive or anthill doing 8D6. The dice type may be adjusted based on the severity of the venom (1 pt. for minor irritation all the way up to D10 for vicious predatory insects). Each character attacked by swarm is automatically stung the rolled number of times each combat round until they escape, deter, or destroy the swarm. An insect swarm attack for 2D6 combat rounds before giving up. Unless the targets are completely covered or enclosed there is no protection against an insect swarm. A Difficult Dodge roll can avoid an insect swarm, or other means (fire, smoke, poison, etc.) can be used to drive them away. Any protective gear the character may be wearing will reduce the number of stings per D6, with light gear reducing each die by –1, beekeeper gear by –4, and complete covering meaning no stings whatsoever. Once stung, the venom factor is based on the type of insect: bees are 20, wasps 15, army ants 10. Divide the total number of stings by the venom factor to get the venom potency (POT). After 1D6 hours, each stung character must make a resistance roll of CON versus the venom’s POT. If successful, they resist the venom’s POT and take half the venom’s POT (round up) in hit point damage. If they fail the resistance roll, they take the venom’s full potency as hit point damage. Successful intervention with an antivenom or equivalent treatment can reduce the number of stings by another 1D4–1 per 1D6, with a successful First Aid roll and the proper medical supplies. A character with a successful First Aid check can make a second Difficult Chemistry roll to improvise an antivenom from available chemicals or substances (see Poison Antidotes).

Lion: A lion can make one claw attack and one bite attack each combat round. If both attacks hit, the lion hangs on for the next round, continuing to bite. Instead of clawing, it rakes with its hind claws.

Rat Pack: Each ‘pack’ consists of ten rats. Multiply the number of rat packs by ×5: this result is the attack chance for each pack each combat round (roll for each pack). Each successful attack does 1D3 damage to the leg and/or abdomen hit locations (if hit locations are used). Special successes do slashing damage. A rat pack attack can be Dodged but not parried. Attacks against them are Difficult, but successful attack automatically kills one rat and chases away the rest of that pack, lowering the effectiveness of further attacks. Rat bites may also be diseased (see Disease).

Shark: If a shark’s bite misses or is dodged, it attempts a fin slash five DEX ranks later. If a shark’s bite is parried or hits, it does not attempt a fin slash. After a successful bite attack, some sharks (like great whites) keep biting and thrashing around for subsequent combat rounds (an Easy attack for the same damage) until dislodged or the death of the target. A giant shark has STR and SIZ 6D6+24, CON 4D6+18, 39 hit points, and a +5D6 damage modifier.

Snake (Constrictor): A constrictor can attack twice in a combat round, first biting and then attempting constriction 5 DEX ranks later. If the constriction attack hits, the target is wrapped in the constrictor’s coils. The target can gasp but cannot yell or shout. Each round of constriction does damage to the target’s hit points (chest hit location). Only rigid chest armor (if armor by hit location is being used) reduces this damage. If a limb is free, the target can make Difficult attacks against the constrictor. If no limb is free, the target cannot attack under most circumstances (gamemaster’s discretion). To become completely free from constriction, the target must make a successful resistance roll of their STR against the constrictor’s STR, instead of attacking in a round. For partial freedom, a Difficult Agility roll frees a single arm or other limb. A constricted target must succeed in a Stamina roll or fall unconscious. Once a target is either unconscious or dead, the constrictor swallows them whole. Unless wearing breathing apparatus that survived being crushed, the target suffocates. A giant constrictor adds +2D6 to STR and SIZ, has 19 hit points, a +2D6 damage modifier, and 4-point scaled hide.

Snake (Venomous): Consult the sections on Poisons and Sample Poisons for more information about various types of venomous snakes. A giant venomous snake has STR and SIZ 4D6+12, 17 hit points, and a +2D6 damage modifier.

Squid (Giant): A squid can attack up to five different targets simultaneously with its beak and ten tentacles. A squid’s poison has a POT equivalent to its CON. The first tentacle successfully striking a target holds onto it, and when a second connects, the two constrict the target until the target can escape or cut free (each tentacle has 2 hit points). Each tentacle remaining around a target does normal damage each combat round. To escape from a tentacle, make a successful resistance roll of STR vs. the squid’s STR, or a Difficult Effort roll to get a hand free to attack. Attacks against a squid while being held by its tentacles are Difficult. A leviathan-sized squid capable of taking on boats and whales has SIZ and STR +1D6 per meter of increased span from tentacle tip to tip, increasing hit points and damage modifier accordingly.

Tiger: A tiger can make two simultaneous claws and one bite each combat round. The bite comes 5 DEX ranks after the claw attacks. If both claws successfully strike the target, the tiger hangs on and rips with its hind claws on the next round while continuing to bite.

Tyrannosaurus Rex: A tyrannosaurus attacks first by biting. If successful, 5 DEX rounds later it attacks with both foreclaws to seize the target for further tearing. For larger targets, it substitutes the foreclaw attacks for a single kick attack, sometimes even climbing on to the target and attacking with bite and two kicks in the next combat round.

Wolf: Wolves hunt in packs ranging from a dozen to 40 or more. In combat, wolves will often fight cooperatively. Several wolves may attack the same target simultaneously, ensuring that some are not parried or Dodged. One or two large wolves may attempt to knock their target down (see Knockdown). When the target is prone, others rush to tear at them. The gamemaster may also use these statistics to represent a large dog.

Fantasy Creatures

These are common to fantasy and horror settings, and can be used as allies, foes, or even player characters, modified as desired.


Half-human, half-horse, said to be wise and pastoral beings, keepers of lore, fine craftsmen, great musicians, and fierce warriors. They dwell in plains or forests, and freely intermingle with humans, sometimes serving as mentors or guardians.

Move: 12Hit Points 19
Damage Modifier: +1D4 (human); +2D6 (horse)Armor 1-point hide (can wear armor)


  • Composite Bow 45%, 1D8+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Lance 35%, 1D10+1+dm (impaling)
  • Bastard Sword 40%, 1D10+1+dm (slashing)
  • Target Shield 50%, 1D2+dm (knockback)
  • Kick 50%, 1D6+dm (crushing)
  • Rear and Plunge 35%, 2D8+dm (crushing)
  • Trample 25%, 2D6+dm (crushing)

A centaur can kick 5 DEX ranks after striking with a melee weapon, though not when charging with lance. Their damage modifier with melee weapons is based upon STR ×2, but normal for kicks, tramples, or charges.

Powers: Centaurs prefer magic to sorcery. A centaur with enough POW for magic has the following spells: Enhance 35%, Heal 60%, Illusion 45%, Perception 40%, and Vision 50%.

Skills: Appraise 50%, Bargain 35%, Command 25%, Dodge 35%, Etiquette 35%, Insight 40%, First Aid 40%, Jump 60%, Knowledge (History) 50%, Listen 35%, Perform (Lyre) 35%, Sense 50%, Spot 40%, Swim 35%, Track 25%.


Gigantic, flame-breathing flying reptiles with huge claws and teeth, tough armored hides, dragons are solitary creatures, living alone and devastating their surrounding countryside. Some dragons are intelligent, but many are merely cunning beasts. They are often hoarders, collecting gold or other treasures within their lairs. These statistics represent a bestial dragon. Dragons may be of different types, distinguished by color and breath weapon (see below). Some dragons may even be flightless or have significantly different characteristics.

Move: 4 (10 flying)Hit Points 53
Damage Modifier: +8D6Armor 12-point scales


  • Breathe Flame 75%, 4D6+special (see below)
  • Bite 65%, 3D6+dm (impaling)
  • Claw 50%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)
  • Tail 50%, 1D6+½dm (crushing)

Dragons attack by flying overhead and blasting fire down at their targets. A dragon’s fire covers an area three meters in diameter with range equal to the dragon’s POW in meters (see Area Attacks), but armor will protect against this damage. If the hit locations are used, the fire affects all hit locations: 4D6 is rolled once; and divide damage among hit locations. A dragon must spend 1D6 power points (or fatigue points) to belch flame. Additionally, any target struck is likely set on fire. When flying, a dragon only has its breath attack unless it enters close combat with an airborne target.

When on the ground, a dragon can make two attacks each combat round: it may either bite or breathe flame for one attack and will either use a claw strike or tail sweep for the other. The second attack is 5 DEX ranks after the first. A dragon’s tail sweep attack is handled as an area effect sweep attack (see Chapter 7: Spot Rules.

Skills: Dodge 35%, Fly 100%, Listen 65%, Sense 50%, Spot 60%, Track 45%.

Powers: Dragons are intensely magical beings. Intelligent dragons have an INT of 4D6 and know magic or sorcery. If so, the dragon has additional skills such as Speak Language, various Knowledges, and even Appraise. Dragons may also have breath weapons other than flame (see Energy Projection).


Dwarves traditionally live underground in caverns and underground catacombs. They’re famed for short tempers, fine craftsmanship, ancient grudges, excessive drinking, and long beards. They pride themselves on their ancestries, and differences between the various tribes of dwarves are significant.

Move: 6Hit Points 12
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor 8 points (chain and a light helm)


  • Hammer 35%, 1D6+dm (crushing)
  • Battleaxe 50%, 1D8+2+dm (bleeding)
  • Heavy Crossbow 40%, 2D4+2 (impaling)
  • Buckler 50%, 1D2+dm (knockback)

Skills: Appraise 50%, Bargain 45%, Brawl 50%, Craft (blacksmithing) 45%, Dodge 40%, Grapple 45%, Knowledge (Dwarf-lore) 35%, Language (Human) 35%, Language (Dwarf) 65%, Listen 45%, Repair (weapons and armor) 35%, Spot 45%, Status 35%, Throw 35%.

Powers: Traditionally, dwarves shun magic, though some use magic or sorcery. Dwarves have a natural ability like Super Sense (Dark Vision), with levels equivalent to ½ (round up) their POW.


Elves are traditionally forest dwellers with a strong connection to nature and the wild. They are long-lived, sometimes even immortal, and are often aloof and mysterious. There are many types of elves, from those who dwell in the wild woods, ascetic high elves, and those who ply the seas.

Humans and elves sometimes form relationships, though offspring are uncommon. Half-elves inherit traits from either parent. To create a half-elf, roll each characteristic as if for both races and average the result (round up). Any inherent powers from the elf lineage are halved or averaged, as appropriate.

Move: 11Hit Points 10
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor 1 point (soft leather)


  • Longbow 55%, 1D8+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Short sword 45%, 1D6+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Short Spear 40%, 1D6+1+dm (impaling)
  • Short Spear (thrown) 55%, 1D6+1+½dm (impaling)

Skills: Climb 65%, Dodge 55%, First Aid 45%, Hide 35%, Jump 45%, Knowledge (Elf-lore) 45%, Language (Human) 40%, Language (Elvish) 85%, Listen 55%, Perform (Sing) 35%, Sense 30%, Spot 45%, Stealth 45%, Swim 35%, Track 40%.

Powers: Elves commonly use magic and have a natural ability like Super Sense (Night Vision) with levels equal to ½ their POW (round up). Common magic for an elf is Dispel 45%, Heal 50%, Illusion 35%, Perception 60%, Resistance 50%, and Vision 60%.


A ghost is the spiritual remnant of a living being still attached to the world of the living, aware or unaware of its deathly nature. They haunt locations (castles, mansions, graveyards, etc.), objects (weapons, vehicles, etc.) or even a specific person, usually connected with its death or former life. Most ghosts are malignant and hate the living. Ghosts are frequently insane, driven by a desire to right whatever wrong they feel was committed against them so that they might be allowed to ‘pass on’ to a higher plane. A ghost may not even understand this compulsion.

Ghosts can appear as wispy humanoid figures, glowing manifestations, solid-looking creatures, cloudy figures, headless things, vehicles, animals, etc. They are known by any number of names: spirits, shades, spooks, haunts, poltergeists, apparitions, phantoms, specters, phantasms, etc.

Ghosts are often shaped by the circumstances of their death and their environment. Following are some options and suggestions for utilizing ghosts in a setting:

  • Ghosts of redemption may appear as figures from a character’s past, uttering omens. Or it may be drawn to protect someone it loved in life, providing aid and assistance in a time of great need.
  • A ghost may appear as a spiritual advisor, relaying messages from a higher power. These rarely threaten or harm the living and may even provide guidance and mentorship.
  • A poltergeist can be violent, throwing items and victims telekinetically around a room and using objects as improvised weapons.
  • Ghost vehicles tend to appear at the same spot at the same time and date repeatedly. Boarding a ghostly train or ship is usually a method of transportation to another dimension or time. Characters who do this may disappear forever or may have to solve the haunting before being released.
  • An entire building may itself be a ghost. If the building’s mystery or dark secret is discovered, the building itself may disappear forever.

Ghosts usually possess only INT and POW, though some ghosts may have CHA. A ghost may, however, be solid, and have characteristics (STR, SIZ, and DEX) as a living being, though it will never have a CON value. Some material ghosts may not even know they are dead.

Move: 14 (equal to POW)Hit Points None
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor None (immaterial, see below).


  • Ghostly Combat POW vs. POW, 1D3 power points (see below).

Powers: Ghosts can attack in ghostly combat, a POW vs. POW resistance roll. This looks as if the ghost is clawing at, enveloping, or otherwise physically attacking the target. If the ghost overcomes the target’s POW, the target loses 1D3 power points (some ghosts can inflict hit point damage instead). If the ghost is overcome, it loses 1D3 power points. More powerful ghosts may drain 1D6 power points (or more) from a target, but only lose 1D3 power points if overcome by the intended target. This combat continues each combat round until the target is unconscious, or either side has fled. Unlike vampires, the drained power points are simply lost. A ghost flees before it reaches 0 power points. If a ghost reduces a target to 0 power points, it may possess them, usually causing the target to commit suicide or harm another person. Even if a ghost possesses a target, it remains tied to the site of its haunting and cannot leave.

In addition to ghostly combat, a ghost may have other powers suited to its former existence and role in the setting. Ghosts are immaterial and are not subject to the limitations of the Intangibility superpower. Traditional powers include psychic powers such as Cryokinesis, Mind Blast, Mind Control, Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis, or superpowers such as Drain, Energy Control, Invisibility, Teleport, and Weather Control. Ghosts may be vulnerable to magic, sorcery, psychic powers, or superpowers.

Skills: As appropriate.


Ghouls are hideously deformed humans who feed on the dead, caught between life and death. They are bestial in temperament and have little guiding intelligence. Most ghouls lack POW, being formed when a malignant spirit possesses a freshly dead corpse. The corpse is transfigured, animated, and must now devour flesh (living or dead) for sustenance.

Ghouls gain power points by consuming corpses, at the rate of 1 power point per 3 SIZ points devoured. A ghoul must expend 1 power point every morning or collapse, its spirit forced to return to the otherworld. If this happens, the ghouls’ corpse rapidly decomposes, upon which it is finally dead. Additionally, every hour of exposure to sunlight forces a ghoul to spend 1 power point. Under normal circumstances, a ghoul will have 2D6+6 power points stored.

Move: 8Hit Points 12
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor None (may wear armor)


  • Claw 30%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)
  • Bite 30%, 1D6+dm (bleeding) + venom (see below)
  • Howl 100%, special (see below)

A ghoul attacks simultaneously with both claws and a bite. When it bites, the ghoul injects the target with venom with POT equal to its CON. The target must make a resistance roll of their CON vs. the venom’s POT. If the target loses, the venom’s full POT enters their system. If they successfully resist, only 1D3 of the venom’s POT is injected. When the total POT injected is equal to or greater than a bitten character’s CON, they are paralyzed until an antidote counteracts the venom. The unfortunate character will remain in this state for as many days as they have points of CON, losing 1 point of CON each day. A character bitten by a ghoul (but not paralyzed) purges the venom from their system at the rate of 1 POT per day.

Ghouls use a blood-chilling howl in combat against anyone within ½ the ghoul’s CON in meters (round up). When a ghoul howls, make a resistance roll of its current power points versus each target’s INT. If more than one ghoul howls, use the power point total of the ghoul with the most power points. If a target is overcome, they are stunned until all howling stops. If a character resists the howl’s effects, they must try again on the next round. A character that successfully resists for five successive combat rounds becomes temporarily immune to its effects (gamemaster’s discretion). The ghoul’s howl costs 1 power point to use. The magic spells Countermagic and Resist Magic do not protect against ghoulish howling.

Skills: Climb 60%, Dodge 45%, Grapple 50%, Hide 35%, Jump 50%, Listen 60%, Sense 40%, Spot 50%, Stealth 60%.

Powers: More intelligent ghouls may know sorcery. All ghouls have a natural ability like Super Sense (Night Vision) with levels equal to ½ the ghoul’s INT (round up).


Giants are huge, ugly humanoids with a taste for human flesh. They are surly and untrustworthy creatures and usually only marginally less destructive than a tornado. Traditionally giants have several different cultures, based on their environment, such as hill giants, sea giants, mountain giants, fire giants, frost giants, etc. These types usually differ dramatically in intelligence, size, and behavior. Some of them have societies, courts, and their own languages.

The following is a fully-grown, 8-meter tall ‘generic’ giant, roughly 60 years of age. Giants have lifespans like humans and grow 1D6+6 SIZ and 1D6+6 STR every ten years, but do not suffer the effects of aging. For a less powerful giant, subtract age until it is the desired STR and SIZ.

Move: 18Hit Points 42
Damage Modifier: +6D6Armor 12-point skin (see opposite)


  • Club 35%, 3D6+dm (crushing + knockback)
  • Kick/Stomp 35%, 1D6+dm (crushing + knockback)
  • Thrown Rock 35%, 2D6+½dm (crushing)

Giants use enormous clubs or tree trunks in battle and specialize in Sweep Attacks. A giant’s club has hit points equal to 10+ its damage modifier dice.

Powers: Some powerful and older giants use magic or sorcery.

Skills: Sense 60%, Spot 40%, Throw 35%.

Giants have tough skin worth 6 points plus their damage modifier in D6s, thus a giant with a 6D6 damage modifier has 12-point skin. Some giants wear leg armor (often plate), which adds to the armor value on those locations. If hit locations are used, normal-sized characters fighting giants should roll only 1D10 to determine the location struck, unless they are using missile weapons.


Griffins are chimerical creatures, combined of the body and rear legs of a lion, and the head, forelegs, and wings of an eagle. These flying predators traditionally have mountaintop nests and are often depicted in heraldic imagery.

Move: 8 (12 flying)Hit Points 29
Damage Modifier: +3D6Armor 6-point hide


  • Bite 70%, 1D6+dm (impaling)
  • Claw 70%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)

A griffin attacks with two claws simultaneously and bites 5 DEX ranks later.

Skills: Dodge 30%, Fly 100%, Listen 50%, Sense 65%, Spot 75%.


Halflings are small human-like beings, generally peaceful and civilized. Traditionally, they are fond of eating, pipe-smoking, and drinking, and have quiet professions such as farming, crafting, and innkeeping. Halflings usually live in small rural communities in farmhouses or underground warrens. They often forsake wearing shoes.

Move: 6Hit Points 12
Damage Modifier: –1D6Armor None (may wear armor)


  • Short Sword 35%, 1D6+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Sling 35%, 1D8+½dm (crushing)
  • Thrown Rock 50%, 1D4 (no damage modifier, crushing)
  • Halflings are expert at throwing rocks and do not suffer their negative damage modifier.

Skills: Appraise 35%, Bargain 35%, Craft (farming) 75%, Dodge 60%, Drive (wagon) 45%, Grapple 35%, Hide 65%, Knowledge (Halfling-lore) 35%, Language (Halfling) 75%, Language (Human) 65%, Listen 65%, Sense 45%, Spot 50%, Throw 50%.

Powers: Traditionally, halflings shun magic, though some rare few use magic. Fewer still use sorcery.


Minotaurs are humanoids with bull’s heads and hoofed feet. Surly and violent, they have little civilization of their own, preferring to dwell in ruins or in the wild. Some can speak, while others are bestial and have no language abilities.

Move: 6Hit Points 19
Damage Modifier: +2D6Armor 3-point hide (can wear other armor, usually leather)


  • Great Axe 55%, 3D6+dm (bleeding)
  • Head Butt 35%, 1D6+dm (knockback)
  • Brawl 50%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

A minotaur can use either a head butt or weapon attack in combat round. A minotaur can only use both in a round if it is otherwise capable of making two attacks in a round.

Skills: Dodge 40%, Listen 35%, Sense 30%, Spot 35%, Track 55%.

Powers: Minotaurs normally disdain magic of any sort, and only the rarest knows any spells. If a minotaur is wounded or achieves a special success while striking an opponent, it goes berserk for 24–CON turns. This is like the sorcery spell Fury. A berserk minotaur can attempt to shake off the rage by making a successful roll of INT×1. After this berserk rage, it is considered fatigued (if fatigue is not used, all rolls are Difficult) until it has had a chance to rest.


A mummy is an undead creature formed from a preserved, dried corpse, brought back to a semblance of life through a curse or powerful necromancy. Some cults keep mummies in their temples as guardians, while other mummies rise from the dead to protect their tombs from grave robbery. Some mummies speak, while others remain silent. Not all mummies are wrapped in bandages—some wear jewelry and items of great value as befitted their status in life.

Because of the dry, desiccated state of their flesh, fire is particularly effective against mummies. It is twice as easy to set a mummy afire as it is another normal target, and though damage is normal, the fires are more difficult to extinguish (lower the chance the fire will die out by half). Powers that use fire also have this effect.

Move: 8Hit Points 15
Damage Modifier: +1D6Armor 3-point skin (may wear armor)


  • Fist 70%, 1D3+dm (crushing)
  • Grapple 25%, special
  • Short Sword 45%, 1D6+1+dm (bleeding)

A mummy can attack with two fist attacks each combat round. If it succeeds with both attacks, it attempts to grapple and choke its target in the next round. A mummy may use ancient weapons appropriate to the era of its former life.

Skills: Language (ancient tongue) 90%, Listen 50%, Sense 45%, Spot 50%, Stealth 50%.

Powers: Mummies may remember sorcery from their former existence. A mummy sorcerer might have these spells in memory: Brazier of Power (4), Gift of the Earth (4), Pox (1), Sorcerer’s Talons (2). If a mummy’s tomb is intact, it likely has access to its grimoire, spell scrolls, and many magic items.


Orcs are savage, bestial humanoids who despise humanity, elves, dwarves, and nearly any other people they encounter. They usually have grayish skin, fangs, and pointed ears, and are sometimes referred to as goblins. Orcs prefer darkness but can function well enough in daylight. They have a rough civilization based almost entirely on brutality and enslavement of their own as well as any unlucky captives. They even practice cannibalism on weak or unlucky members of their own species. Orcs often serve the forces of darkness, or prey upon others for their own amusement and enrichment. Some orcs ride giant wolves, bred as mounts. Many types of orcs could exist, based on environmental, cultural, regional, or other variances. Common types are the formidable ‘greater’ orcs (STR 5D6, CON 3D6+3, and SIZ 3D6+6) and pestilential ‘lesser’ orcs (STR 3D6, SIZ 2D6).

Move: 8Hit Points 10
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor 6-point ring and light helmet


  • Scimitar 35%, 1D8+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Composite Bow 35%, 1D8+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Short Spear 35%, 1D6+1+dm (impaling)
  • Short Spear (thrown) 35%, 1D6+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Spiked Shield 35%, 1D3+dm (impaling)

Skills: Climb 55%, Dodge 40%, Hide 35%, Knowledge (Orc-lore) 35%, Language (Human) 25%, Language (Orcish) 60%, Listen 50%, Ride (wolf) 50%, Sense 35%, Spot 45%, Stealth 40%, Track 30%

Powers: Sorcery is the most fearsome power in orc society, with orc sorcerers often serving as priests or leaders. A sorcery-using orc has a POW of 16+ and may know the following spells: Cloak of Night (2), Pox (1), Rat’s Vision (1), Sorcerer’s Razor (1), Sorcerer’s Speed (2), Ward (3).


Animated skeletons are either created or summoned by magic or the result of an ancient curse. Most are human remains, but skeletons of other species exist. Animated skeletons are almost always encountered guarding some treasure, ancient tomb, or some other place of ill omen. Skeletons move at the same speed they did in life but cannot swim. They have no fatigue points and never tire.

Move: 10Hit Points 13 (see below)
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor None (may wear armor, also see below for immunities)


  • Broadsword 55%, 1D8+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Self Bow 50%, 1D6+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Large Round Shield 55%, 1D4+dm (knockback)

Skills: Dodge 40%

Skeletons have no CON, and their hit points equals their SIZ. They are immune to the special effects from bleeding and impaling hits. They take no damage whatsoever from thrusting weapons, unless the hit was a special success or critical hit, in which case, the damage is taken but the secondary effects are ignored.

Dried bones are brittle, and snap and splinter easily from a heavy blow. Regardless of the skeleton’s current hit points, any blow striking a skeleton has a percentage chance of destroying the skeleton equal to the damage done multiplied by ×4, in addition to the normal hit point loss. If the roll is successful, the skeleton instantly shatters to shards of bone.


Trolls are huge, flesh-eating humanoids with rough greenish-black hide, hairy shoulders and arms, and long claws. They traditionally dwell in mountains and forests, preferring to live in caves or sometimes beneath bridges. Some trolls can speak, while others are bestial and cannot. They are nocturnal creatures and shun sunlight whenever they can. There may be other species of troll, usually named for their environments (stone, ice, wood, rock, hill, mountain, sand, sea, lake, swamp, bog, etc.), differing in coloration and other ways. Smarter trolls use more sophisticated weapons, while some will even wear heavy armor.

Most trolls encountered are males, while female trolls (called trollwives) are smaller and weaker (–6 to STR and SIZ) but smarter and faster (+1D6 to INT, POW, and DEX).

Move: 6Hit Points 20
Damage Modifier: +2D6Armor 3-point skin


  • Tree Trunk Club 45%, 1D10+2+dm (crushing)
  • Claw 50%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)
  • Grapple 50%, special

A troll’s usual tactic is to strike with its club then hit with a claw, but the troll cannot parry if it does so. Like a giant’s club, a troll’s tree trunk club has hit points equal to10+ its dice in damage modifier.

Powers: Trolls regenerate rapidly from injuries, healing 1D3 hit points per combat round, unless they are dead. If the hit locations are used, trolls heal 1 hit point per wounded hit location per combat round. If a troll is in sunlight, or if the damage was done by fire, these wounds do not regenerate. Trolls can see in the dark as if they have the Super Sense (Night Vision) power with levels equal to ½ the troll’s POW (round up). Trollwives are almost always sorcery-using witches, equipped with spells such as Curse of Sorcery (4), Pox (1), Undo Sorcery (2), and Witch Sight (3).

Skills: Dodge 35%, Sense 55%, Spot 55%.


The unicorn is a horse-like magical animal with smallish hooves and a single long straight horn protruding from the center of its forehead. Unicorns are almost always white, though black or grey ones are not unheard of. They are solitary, peaceful forest-dwellers, and are highly sensitive to magic and their environment. It is believed that they are immortal unless killed or their horn removed, and for this reason their horns are thought to grant immortality. Unicorns are often featured in heraldry and are a sign of chivalric and maidenly virtue. They are especially trusting of maidenly human or elf women.

Move: 12Hit Points 19
Damage Modifier: +2D6Armor None


  • Horn 75%, 1D10+dm (impaling)
  • Kick 40%, 1D8+dm (crushing)
  • Rear & Plunge 40%, 2D8+dm (crushing)
  • Trample 75%, 2D6+dm (crushing)

A unicorn can attack once a round, preferring to use its horn. A unicorn can parry with the horn as well as either simultaneously kick or gore with its horn.

Skills: Dodge 35%, Hide 65%, Insight 50%, Jump 90%, Listen 70%, Sense 80%, Spot 75%, Stealth 50%.

Powers: A unicorn can heal wounds with its horn by touching the wound and expending 1 power point per hit point to be restored. This healing can even reattach a severed limb, if at least 6 power points are spent. Attribute points lost through poison or disease can also be cured, but this takes 1 point of permanent POW per point cured, so unicorns are reluctant to perform this. Additionally, a unicorn can detect poison with a touch of its horn. If a unicorn horn is made into a cup, it shatters if poison is placed into it.


Vampires are undead who survive by drinking the blood of the living. Created when they share blood with a vampire and are killed, they reawaken as ravenous creatures. However, many vampires regain their former intelligence and can move undetected through human society, immortal, remaining careful when they feed. Some are urbane and civilized and feed on lesser animals or use other means of procuring blood. Others are like wolves, killing with impunity.

Like ghosts, there are many types of vampires, ranging from beautiful, urbane, intelligent, and reclusive dilettantes to horrifically ugly monsters with bat-like features and protruding fangs, living in sewers and barely sentient. Some vampires may even strive to atone for the misdeeds of their previous life and the killings they committed. Following are qualities or aspects ascribed to vampires, true or false.

  • A vampire casts no reflection.
  • The third bite from a vampire causes the victim to die, and then to become one of the undead. When a character is turned into a vampire, their STR and CON double.
  • Vampires have hairy palms, repulsive breath, and cry tears of blood.
  • Killing the original or ‘chief’ vampire cures its victims of their vampirism. Alternately, killing the lead vampire instantly kills all those vampires it has created.
  • Vampires cannot cross moving water such as a river.
  • Garlic wards off vampires. Garlic has a POT of 2D6+6 (to vampires only) and must be resisted by the vampire’s current power points. If the vampire succeeds, it can act against the garlic-holder. If it fails, the vampire is stunned until it is no longer in the presence of the garlic. If a vampire eats garlic, it takes 1D2 hit points damage per clove consumed.
  • Vampires employ human servants to guard their secrets and protect them during daylight hours.
  • A vampire cannot enter a home or residence uninvited.

Some vampires organize themselves into clans, with each having different appearances, tendencies, and even powers (see Powers, following).

Move: 12Hit Points 15–17
Damage Modifier: +1D6Armor None (can wear armor)


  • Bite 50%, 1D4+½dm (bleeding) + Blood Drain (see below)
  • Claw 50%, 1D4+dm (bleeding) + Chill Touch (see below)
  • Hypnotic Gaze, POW vs. POW, (special see below)
  • Grapple 75%, special

A vampire can make one bite and two claw attacks per round, or it may attempt a single claw and a hypnotic gaze attack. If it succeeds in both claw attacks and a bite attack, it grapples its target and drains their blood each round until the target is incapacitated. A vampire cannot attempt to Dodge during a round it bites or uses hypnotic gaze. These powers are described below.

Skills: Dodge 50%, Etiquette 50%, Fly 90%, Hide 70%, Insight 60%, Jump 75%, Knowledge (History) 75%, Language (ancient) 75%, Language (modern) 50%, Listen 60%, Persuade 60%, Sense 75%, Spot 75%, Stealth 80%, Track 75%.

Powers: Vampires have a wide range of powers attributed to them. The following are those almost all vampires have.

  • Blood Drain: A vampire that successfully bites and damages a target can drain 1D6 STR or 1D6 power points from that target on each subsequent round it stays attached, grappling with them. If the target has lost all their STR, the vampire can choose instead to drain CON. At 0 CON, the victim dies. If the victim survives, these characteristic points regenerate 1 point per day of rest, or twice that time if active. If more than one characteristic is drained, alternate recovery each day to recover 1 point of STR, then 1 point of CON, etc. Power points regenerate normally. A vampire uses Blood Drain to recoup its own power points—it has no POW of its own and cannot regenerate them normally. STR, CON, or power points drained are transferred by the vampire as an equal number of power points. A vampire cannot store more power points than its CON. Any points beyond that are lost.
  • Chill Touch: A vampire that touches a target can drain power points instead of blood. The vampire must have succeeded in a claw attack against the target (or touched an incapacitated or unaware target). On the subsequent round it makes a resistance roll of its current power points vs. the target’s current power points. Armor does not protect against this attack. If the vampire succeeds, it drains 1D3 power points from the target, which are transferred to its current power point total. The vampire must remain in contact with the target each round to continue this drain and must succeed in a resistance roll each combat round. The target recovers these lost power points normally.
  • Hypnotic Gaze: If a vampire overcomes a target’s POW with its current power points in a resistance roll, the target is hypnotized and can be made to follow simple instructions. If these instructions are self-destructive, at the start of the round the target can attempt an Idea roll to snap out of it.
  • Night Sight: Vampires have a natural ability combining the Super Senses of Dark Vision, Infrared Vision, and Night Vision at a level equal to half the vampire’s INT (round up).
  • Regeneration: Unless it is killed by a traditional method (see below), a vampire regenerates 1D3 hit points per combat round. If it is in direct sunlight or in the presence of a holy symbol, it does not regenerate this damage and must heal normally (it also takes damage from these sources, see Weaknesses, following). Additionally, the damage from holy water, a holy symbol, sunlight, or fire cannot be regenerated and must heal at the vampire’s normal healing rate.

In addition to the above, vampires are said to have other powers, which may or may not be true.

  • Legions of the Night: Vampires can control lesser creatures such as bats, rats, and wolves. The vampire can summon 1D6 rat or bat swarms, treating bat swarms as rat swarms but with Fly 100%), or 1D6 wolves. Each swarm costs 1 power point to summon and, and each wolf costs 3 power points to summon and control. These creatures may be created as sidekicks but use the vampire’s current power point total instead of POW when determining control or can be handled through sorcery spells such as Bird’s Vision (substitute a bat for a bird) and Rat’s Vision.
  • Mist Form: The vampire can transform itself into a mist, able to move through the tiniest of cracks and float through the air effortlessly. A vampire with this power may be forced into mist form when it is reduced to 0 hit points, but is not slain in the traditional manner. This could be the magic spell Change or the superpowers Alternate Form or Intangibility. While in mist form, the vampire has MOV 5 and is immune to most forms of physical damage, though magic may still affect it.
  • Shape Shifting: The vampire can transform itself into a wolf, a bat, or even a swarm of rats at a cost of 3 power points. As with Mist Form, the power is identical to either Change or Alternate Form. Use the statistics for a wolf or rat swarm for the vampire’s abilities in either of these forms, using the same game effects for rats as bats (though with Fly 100%).
  • Spellcasting: Vampires are powerful spellcasters, with an assortment of spells ready for use. With their incredible lifespans and their access to forbidden tomes, scrolls, and unholy lore, vampires know many sorcery or magic spells. A vampire can know up to twice normal human capacity for magic or sorcery spells. Vampires use their current power point total to overcome targets or for their magic.

Weaknesses: Vampires, as cursed and unholy undead, have many weaknesses that set them apart from the living and other forms of undead. Following are traditional vampire weaknesses, of which all, many, of none may be true.

  • Blood Thirst: A vampire loses 1D6 power points every day through simply being, spent when the vampire first arises. If the vampire reaches 1 or 2 power points, all its rolls are Difficult due to its weakness and its roaring thirst.
  • Daylight: Vampires suffer 1 damage per combat round of exposure to direct sunlight. While in direct sunlight, a vampire cannot regenerate, shape change, turn into mist, or use its hypnotic gaze. Sunlight may cause additional problems for vampires, such as making all skill rolls Difficult. For this reason, vampires are traditionally nocturnal.
  • Decapitation: A vampire who has been decapitated is dead, will not regenerate, and can never rise from the dead.
  • Fire: Vampires take double damage from fire, whatever its source. Vampires are flammable, if attempts are made to set one afire.
  • Holy Symbols: Vampires presented with a holy symbol in the hands of a character with true faith (perhaps the Devotion Passion at 80% or more or 50 allegiance to a ‘good’ aligned god) are inflicted with intense pain, losing 1D3 power points for each round the character with the holy symbol succeeds in a resistance roll of POW vs. the vampire’s current power points. The character must be concentrating on this and can perform no other attacks each round. The vampire suffers 1D3 points of damage for each round if it comes into actual physical contact with the holy symbol. A vampire cannot attempt its hypnotic gaze power versus a character that wins in this resistance roll.
  • Holy Water: Holy water counts as strong acid against vampires (see Acid), doing 1D4 damage per combat round. A character with at least 50 Allegiance \ to a benevolent deity may create holy water by spending one full turn in prayer and spending 1 power point over that water. The amount of water to be blessed is limited by the character’s POW in SIZ.
  • Sacred Earth: A vampire loses 3D6 power points each day it does not spend at least four hours in a coffin (or equivalent) lined with earth from its homeland; a penalty exacted at sunset. Thus, an ill-prepared vampire could lose 4D6 power points each evening if denied sacred earth and due to blood thirst (see above). If a vampire reaches 0 power points it becomes comatose, not dead but unable move or function until someone transfers power points to it using a power.
  • Stakes: If a wooden stake is driven through a vampire’s heart and causes at least 1 point of damage, the vampire immediately disintegrates into dust. In combat, this is whenever a wooden weapon achieves an impaling or critical result on a Difficult attack, or an aimed shot at the chest hit location. A traditional wooden stake does 1D3+dm and has 6 hit points, with a base chance of 15%. Alternately, this merely prevents the vampire from acting and regenerating, and the vampire must be decapitated, the head and body burned separately to be destroyed utterly.


Werewolves are shape-changers able to transform from human, to wolf, with an intermediary hybrid form. This condition is called lycanthropy. Some wolves can make this change voluntarily, while others transform involuntarily on nights when the moon is full. This latter type of werewolf becomes a pure beast then, with no conscious control or even memory of their actions while in were-form. Traditionally, someone who survives a werewolf’s bite will become a werewolf at the next full moon—a condition that is supposedly inescapable. Some types of lycanthropy are magical in nature (usually a curse), while other types are like a disease, up to the gamemaster’s discretion.

In human form, a werewolf is outwardly normal and has normal human characteristics. Following are statistics for the hybrid (wolf-man) and wolf forms.

Hybrid Form


Wolf Form

Move: 12 / 13Hit Points 12 / 12–13
Damage Modifier: +1D4 / +1D6Armor 1-point fur (immunity to normal weapons, see below)

Attacks (hybrid form):

  • Bite 50%, 1D4+½dm (bleeding)
  • Claws 65%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)

Attacks (wolf form):

  • Bite 65%, 1D8+½dm (bleeding)
  • Claws 45%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)

In either form, a werewolf can make one bite attack and two claw attacks each combat round.

Powers: Werewolves have the following powers:

  • Immunity: Werewolves are immune to most forms of damage other than magic, fire, or silver. Other attacks simply bounce off, regardless of the result. Magic, fire, and silvered weapons do full damage. A weapon with a spell cast upon it, such as Sorcerer’s Razor, does its magical damage but not the weapon’s damage or the attacker’s damage modifier. An outright magical weapon does normal damage. The gamemaster should determine if energy weapons or other similar attacks can damage a werewolf.
  • Regeneration: Werewolves can regenerate 1 hit point each combat round unless that damage was done with a silver weapon. Werewolves heal from damage inflicted by a silver weapon at their normal healing rate.
  • Transformation: Werewolves can assume one of three different forms; human, hybrid, and wolf. Shifting from one shape to another takes 5 DEX ranks and costs no power points. The werewolf can switch from any of these forms to another.

Skills: Climb 75%, Dodge 65%, Hide 60%, Jump 80%, Listen 70%, Sense 90%, Spot 70%, Track 90%.


Zombies are animated corpses resurrected by necromancy, voodoo, demonic possession, or modern causes such as toxic chemicals, radiation, or biological plague. Whatever their origin, zombies thirst for human flesh (some prefer brains) and do little else than seek to feed. Zombies are usually incapable of speech and stalk the living in mobs. They are not particularly bright and are easily fooled.

Move: 4Hit Points 14–15
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor None (see below)


  • Bite 30%, 1D3+½dm (bleeding)
  • Claw 25%, 1D3+dm (bleeding)
  • Grapple 35%, special
  • Large Club 35%, 1D8+1+dm (crushing)

A zombie’s skill with a weapon is equal to its DEX×5. Zombies never attempt to Dodge or parry.

Powers: Most slashing, crushing, and impaling weapons do only half damage to zombies. Fire does full damage. Some types of zombie can only be killed by a special success that damages the skull. This is whenever a weapon achieves a special or critical result on a Difficult attack, or a hit to the head hit location that does enough damage to incapacitate it. Some types of zombies are infectious—a successful bite turns the victim into a zombie in a number of turns equal to their CON, without exception.

Skills: Sense 50%.

Summoned Creatures

These entities are not native to this world or are summoned into existence when called. Theological entities like angels and demons should only be encountered in settings where allegiance is used, while elementals should only appear if the relevant powers exist to summon them.


An angel is a holy being, emissary of a divine power. They have many forms; their appearance being based on the pantheon they inhabit. Angels serve as messengers, guardians, soldiers, mentors, or as harbingers. This example is a winged humanoid equipped with a breastplate and a flaming sword.

As noted in Sanity Loss and Creatures, a pious character may receive SAN when viewing an angel if their sanity roll is successful.

Move: 10 (12 flying)Hit Points 22
Damage Modifier: +1D6Armor 10-pt. plate breastplate + 10-pt. divine radiance


  • Flaming Broad Sword 200%, 1D8+1+dm (slashing) +2D6 (fire)
  • Holy Fire 100%, 10D6 (fire, see below)
  • Voice of Heaven 100%, special (see below)

As divine beings, angels are capable of exceeding skill levels of 100% even if this option is not used for player characters (see Attacks and Parries Over 100%). An angel can never be separated from its sword, and the sword cannot be broken.

Powers: Angels are said to have a host of powers, of which any individual angel may have some, all, or none:

  • Divine Radiance: Angels can emit a radiance of light that protects them from injury, serving as 10-pt. armor against any source of damage, including from powers.
  • Flight: Whether winged or wingless, angels can fly at great speed. Angels possess the Flight superpower at levels equal to their POW, though it does not cost any power points to use. An angel may appear wingless, then manifest great birdlike wings that suddenly grow and unfold from its back.
  • Healing Touch: Angels can lay hands upon and heal the sick, infirm, and wounded. Beyond restoring hit points at a cost of 1 hit point per power point, the angel can remove any illness, disease, major wound, or infirmity by spending 1 point of its own permanent POW per infirmity. If the angel’s power points reach 0, it returns to its plane of origin until bidden or allowed to return (at least one week, after which it is fully restored).
  • Holy Fire: Angels can summon holy fire, a flame strike from above with an area of effect of three meters square. If caught in this flame, pious characters whose allegiance aligns with the angel may make a roll of their allegiance as a %. If successful, the character takes no damage from the holy fire. Failing, or non-pious, targets are engulfed in flame, doing 10D6 damage (divided amongst hit locations, if used). Unlike normal fire, holy fire does not linger. Its effects are nearly instantaneous, disappearing at the end of the combat round it was summoned. This costs 10 power points and can be summoned once per day.
  • Invisibility: Angels can become Invisible at will as per the superpower, with equivalent half their POW in levels (round up). This costs only 3 power points per use.
  • Voice of Heaven: An angel can speak with the voice of Heaven (or an equivalent). This is an area of effect attack ten meters in diameter from the angel, it may warn those within range to cover their ears, and any who obey are spared. This voice, booming and regal, stuns anyone in range if they fail a resistance roll of their POW vs. the angel’s POW. Success means that they are unaffected this combat round. This power costs 3 power points and takes the place of any physical attack.

Spells: Angels may use magic or superpowers. Magic spells commonly used are Countermagic, Dispel, Enhance, Light, Speak to Mind, and Teleport, all at 100%. Angels rarely use sorcery and are never mutants. They may have psychic powers or the equivalent.

Skills: Command 100%, Dodge 100%, Flight 100%, Insight 75%, Knowledge (any) 100%, Language (any) 100%, Sense 90%, Spot 90%, Teach 90%.

Demon, Greater

A demon is an infernal being, summoned or on this plane for terrible purpose. A greater demon is no mere guardian or servant—it is encountered because something monumental is at stake. Depending on its personality, it may be bestial and focused only on destruction, or it may be witty, urbane, charming, and persuasive. These statistics represent a combat-oriented demon, clawed and horned, ready to wreak havoc upon any who defy it.

While viewing an angel can potentially restore SAN points to a pious believer, those who worship the infernal powers are not nearly so lucky. A character viewing a greater demon is at risk for SAN loss, even if they summoned it in the first place.

3D6+243D6+123D6+123D63D6+63D6+63 or 21
34–3522–2322–2310–1116–1716–173 or 21
Move: 10 (12 flying)Hit Points 22–23
Damage Modifier: +2D6Armor 8-pt. tough hide (may wear armor)


  • Great Sword (used one-handed) 150%, 2D8+dm (bleeding) +2D6 flame (special)
  • Whip 90%, 1D3–1+½dm (entangle) +1D6 fire (special)
  • Flame Breath 100%, 6D6 fire (special)
  • Claws 150%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)
  • Grapple 150%, special

A greater demon usually begins with a blast of fire from its mouth before engaging in physical combat. It can make two (or more) attacks per round, preferring to use the whip first to immobilize a foe then strike with the great sword 5 DEX ranks later. Its flaming great sword can ignite flammable materials. It fights two-handed with a long whip, also aflame. If either weapon is lost, it resorts to using its claws or grappling. Unlike the weapons of an angel, a greater demon’s weapons have double hit points but can be broken or otherwise destroyed (they are immune to fire, however).

Skills: Climb 90%, Dodge 75%, Fly 100%, Jump 75%, Sense 75%, Spot 75%, Throw 75%.

Powers: Demons are said to have a host of powers, of which any individual demon may have some, all, or none:

  • Aura of Terror: The greater demon has a radiance of malevolence and hatred that manifests in an aura of terror. Anyone coming within the demon’s POW in meters must make a POW vs. POW resistance roll to avoid being overcome with terror. Failure means the character is stricken with fear and all attacks and other actions become Difficult. Affected characters can attempt a new resistance roll at the beginning of the next combat round, though for this resistance roll their POW is halved (round up). The demon can activate this aura for 1 power point, and it lasts for the demon’s POW in combat rounds, or until the demon chooses to stop the power. Anyone on the demon’s ‘side’ or those of the same allegiance are exempt from this power unless the demon wishes it to affect allies. If a character fails the resistance roll and sanity is used, the character loses the full amount of possible SAN from seeing the greater demon.
  • Blight: The demon’s overall presence causes an area to become tainted, twisted with the dark evil in the demon’s soul. This is not useful in combat, but contaminates an area over time, until it has a foreboding and lingering presence of evil and malice. Living plants wither or grow twisted and bitter, the soil becomes dry and bleak, and the very atmosphere takes on an unhealthy aspect. The radius of this effect is equal to the greater demon’s POW×100 meters. It costs no power points to activate, is automatic and beyond the demon’s control (the presence cannot be masked or hidden). It takes 30 days minus the demon’s POW for this presence to become manifest, and the demon’s POW in months for an area to recover once it has become blighted.
  • Flame Breath: A demon can breathe a blast of fire with a range equal to its CON in meters. This blast is an area attack three meters square. Any caught within this blast will take 6D6 fire damage (regardless of their allegiance), damage divided between all hit locations, if used. This fire lingers and continues burning for three subsequent rounds. Consult the rules for fire for more details. This fiery blast costs 6 power points per blast.
  • Flight: The greater demon has huge batlike wings and can fly, tirelessly and effortlessly.
  • Regeneration: A demon has hellish vitality and can regenerate 1D6 hit points per combat round at no power point cost. If hit locations are used, the demon heals 1D3 hit points per hit location per combat round.
  • Sheath of Smoke and Fire: The demon can sheath itself in a flaming radiance that causes 1D6 points of fire per combat round to any creature that gets within two meters of it, such as in physical combat. This sheath can ignite any flammable substance around the demon. It serves as 1 point of additional armor against any wooden missile weapon directed at it, such as an arrow or crossbow bolt. This sheath may be activated at will and costs 1 power point per round to maintain.

A greater demon may have one or more chaotic features, as well.

Demon, Lesser

A lesser demon is much smaller than a greater demon and has been summoned by a sorcerer (see the Summon Demon spell) or sent as an emissary or agent of corruption. This lesser demon is a grotesque creature, like an emaciated gargoyle with claws, wings, and horns. It is not cowardly but prefers to serve through means other than combat. When destroyed, it returns to the infernal realms, where it is bullied and tormented. Thus, it wishes to prolong its freedom in this world for as long as is possible.

Move: 8 (12 flying)Hit Points 10
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor 1-pt. scaled hide


  • Claw 50%, 1D3+dm (bleeding)
  • Bite 35%, 1D3+½ dm (bleeding)
  • Grapple 45%, special

A demon can make two claw attacks in a combat round. If successful with both, it attempts to grapple and bite on the next combat round.

Skills: Bargain 55%, Climb 65%, Dodge 50%, Fast Talk 40%, Fly 75%, Hide 45%, Knowledge (Region: Hell) 35%, Listen 40%, Sense 35%, Spot 50%, Stealth 35%.

Powers: Lesser demons are not particularly powerful, though one may have a few sorcery spells if its POW is high enough. Common spells are Curse of Sorcery (4), Flames of the Sun (4), Midnight (1), and Pox (1). A sorcerer summoning a lesser demon may choose which spells the demon knows if adequate research is done beforehand. The demon may also have one or more chaotic features.


Elementals are primal elemental spirits manifest in bodies composed of the element of their type. They are usually summoned into existence by the magic spell Conjure Elemental, the sorcery spell Summon Elemental, or through other means, perhaps even occurring naturally.

Elemental hit points are determined by adding their CON+SIZ, not averaging. Elementals do not heal lost hit points or regenerate power points: when one is reduced to 0 hit points or spends its last power point, it disappears, reduced to the raw element it was composed of.

As magical beings, elementals are immune to normal attacks such as weapons or firearms. They are, however, vulnerable to one another’s attacks. Depending on the setting, energy or chemical weapons may affect them, and attacks by substances that naturally oppose them may also have an effect. Finally, many powers will affect elementals, at the gamemaster’s discretion.

Presented here are four traditional types of elementals—air, earth, fire, and water. Others may exist, whether spirit; shadow; hybrids; or even aspects such as time, gravity, light, etc. The examples are average, and they can be made more or less powerful, as desired.

Air Elemental

Air elementals usually appear as floating, transparent female humans of surpassing beauty, either naked or in wispy garments, surrounded by a whirlwind. They are barely tangible, as if formed out of thickened air. Their voices are soft and faint, and they are mischievous, with a short attention span. Air elementals are often called sylphs.

Move: 10 (12 flying)Hit Points 17–18
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor None, but invulnerable to normal attacks


  • Scouring Wind 50%, 1D10 (knockback, range is POW in meters)

Skills: Dodge 75%, Fly 100%, Language (summoner’s) 100%, Listen 75%, Science (Meteorology) 100%, Sense 75%, Spot 75%.

Powers: An air elemental has control over its element, using any of these power types:

  • Magic: It can cast the Lift and Lightning spells at its POW×3% for the regular power point cost.
  • Sorcery: It can cast Wings of the Sky (4) at will, with no power point cost.
  • Superpowers: It has equivalent to ¼ its POW (round up) in levels of the Energy Control (Wind) and Energy Projection (Wind) superpowers.
  • An air elemental may, at the cost of its own life, destroy a fire elemental of equivalent strength.
  • It may also provide breathable air for one character, at the cost of 1 hit point per round.
  • Air elementals can turn invisible at will at a cost of 1 power point, though they reappear if commanded by their summoner, or if they attack someone.

Earth Elemental

Earth elementals appear as thick-bodied humanoid forms, made of stone, earth, and minerals, with roots and vines like veins and sometimes hair or beards of moss and leaves. Their voices are low and raspy, and they are often slow-witted and grumpy, surly when summoned, though they still do the bidding of their summoner. In other environments, they may appear as the type of earth available, such as sand and sandstone in the desert. They are often called gnomes.

Move: 6Hit Points 26–28
Damage Modifier: +1D6 or +2D6Armor None, but invulnerable to normal attacks (see below)


  • Fist 50%, 1D6+dm (crushing)

Skills: Appraise 50%, Craft (Blacksmithing) 75%, Language (summoner’s) 25%, Science (Metallurgy) 100%.

Powers: An earth elemental has control over its element, using any of these power types:

  • Magic: It can cast the spells Dull and Wall at its POW×3% for the regular power point cost.
  • Sorcery: It can cast Gift of the Earth (4) at will, with no power point cost.
  • Superpowers: It has equivalent to ¼ its POW (round up) in levels of the Barrier superpower.
  • An earth elemental may, at the cost of its own life, destroy an air elemental of equivalent strength.
  • It can also sink into the ground and move at normal speed, emerging when it wishes. It can extend this ability to a character of its SIZ or smaller, engulfing them and moving the character through the earth unharmed at the elemental’s normal MOV rate. It will only do this with a willing character but does not supply oxygen for the voyage (see Choking, Drowning, and Asphyxiation).
  • In addition to being invulnerable to normal attacks, an earth elemental has a chance of breaking any normal weapon made of metal. If a character successfully strikes an earth elemental with a metallic weapon, they must make a resistance roll of their weapon’s hit points vs. the earth elemental’s CON. If the weapon’s roll fails, it automatically breaks. If it succeeds, it does not break. This roll needs only to be made once at the first successful strike in a round, and it applies to weapons with magic spells or sorcery temporarily cast upon them, but not magical weapons.
  • Earth elementals are also aware of any precious metals or anything underground within their INT×100 meters, but will only begrudgingly admit this, and must be convinced or commanded to go and retrieve these things. Use of this power costs the earth elemental power points equal to the SIZ of the item brought back.

Fire Elemental

Fire elementals appear as four-legged reptiles made of fiery plasma. They scorch the ground where they walk, and smoke emerges from their mouths when they speak in their hissing, crackling voices. They are generally irritable and quick-tempered. Fire elementals are often called salamanders.

Move: 10Hit Points 26–28
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor None, but invulnerable to normal attacks


  • Flame Breath 50%, 1D10 per round (fire, range is POW in meters)
  • Grapple 50%, special + 1D6 per round (fire)

Skills: Demolition 75%, Dodge 50%, Language (summoner’s) 50%, Listen 50%, Sense 50%, Spot 50%.

Powers: A fire elemental has control over its element, using any of these power types:

  • Magic: It can cast the magic spells Flame and Resistance at its POW×3% for the regular power point cost.
  • Sorcery: It cast Flames of the Sun (4) at will, with no power point cost.
  • Superpowers: It has equivalent to ¼ its POW (round up) in levels of the Energy Control (Heat) and Energy Projection (Heat) superpowers.
  • A fire elemental may, at the cost of its own life, destroy a water elemental of equivalent strength.
  • It can ignite any flammable material by touch but will never willingly extinguish or prevent a fire.

Water Elemental

Water elementals appear as beautiful aquatic, vaguely translucent human females the color of the sea, with greenish-blue hair and skin. They are alluring and usually are scantily clad or nude. If encountered on land, water elementals leave wet footprints and are constantly dripping with water. They are intelligent, thoughtful, and speak in gurgling voices. Water elementals are often called undines.

Move: 10 (12 swimming)Hit Points 23–24
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor None, but invulnerable to normal attacks (see below)


  • Drowning 50%, special (see below)

Skills: Dodge 75%, Language (summoner’s) 75%, Navigate 100%, Science (Oceanography) 100%, Sense 50%, Spot

50%, Swim 100%.

Powers: A water elemental has control over its element, using any of these power types:

  • Magic: A water elemental can cast the magic spells Heal and Unseal at its POW×3% for the regular power point cost.
  • Sorcery: A water elemental can cast Bounty of the Sea (4) at will, with no power point cost.
  • Superpowers: The water elemental has equivalent to ¼ its POW (round up) in levels of the Drain and Super Movement (Water Walking) superpowers.
  • A water elemental may, at the cost of its own life, destroy an earth elemental of equivalent strength.
  • To drown an opponent, a water elemental engulfs the target’s mouth and nose in a bubble of water. If it has succeeded in a touch attack, all further drowning attacks against the target are Easy until the target has either broken free or is dead (see the rules for drowning). This attack costs the water elemental an equivalent number of hit points to the damage inflicted on the target. It may cease the drowning attempt at any time.
  • In addition to being invulnerable to normal attacks, a water elemental has a chance of rusting any normal metal weapon or warping any wooden weapon striking it. If a character successfully strikes a water elemental with a metallic weapon, they must make a resistance roll of the weapon’s hit points vs. the water elemental’s CON. If the weapon’s roll rails, it rusts (losing 2 hit points, –1 to damage) or warps (–1 hit point, –5% to hit). If it succeeds, it is unaffected. This roll needs only to be made once at the first successful strike in a round, and it applies to weapons with magic spells or sorcery temporarily cast upon them, but not magical weapons.
  • While submerged, a water elemental can become invisible at will at the cost of 1 power point, though it reappears if commanded by the summoner, or if it attacks someone.
  • While underwater, a water elemental can speak clearly to any within normal hearing range.
  • Water elementals are also aware of any items within the body of water they were summoned from, within their INT×100 meters, but only admit this if asked, and must be convinced or commanded to go and retrieve these items. Each use of this ability costs the water elemental power points equal to the SIZ of the item brought back.

Chaotic Features

Demons and other creatures of chaos are inconsistent in their appearance and powers. Just as living beings have mutations, unnatural creatures may have chaotic features. If desired, each individual chaotic creature may have one or more chaotic features, rolled or chosen from the following table.

D100%Chaotic Feature
19–20Never surprised.
21–22Absorbs 1 point of any magic or sorcery cast against it, adding +1 power point per spell.
23–24Spits acid of 2D10 POT 1D6 times per day, six-meter range.
25–26Breathes 3D6 fire 1D6 times per day; single target, three-meter range.
27–28Reflects 1-pt. magic or sorcery back at user.
29–30Highly flammable; if ignited burns all within three-meter radius for 2D6 points damage until extinguished.
31–32Hypnotic pattern on skin; viewers must succeed in an Idea roll or be stunned for 1D3 rounds.
33–35Appearance is confusing; all attacks against it are at –20%.
36–37Large and valuable gem clearly visible on body.
38–40Regenerates 1 hit point per combat round until dead.
41–42Can attempt to befuddle a target each round in addition to any combat, with a POW vs. POW resistance roll. Failure puts the target into a confused and highly suggestive state. To perform any actions, the target must make a Difficult Idea roll, and may be ordered by the creature to act contrary to their normal wishes. Resisting these commands also requires a successful Difficult Idea roll.
43–45Creature seemingly invincible; appears to take no damage until it reaches 0 hit points, then falls over dead.
46Invisible until it attacks.
47–48Appearance is extremely confusing; all attacks against it are at –30%.
49–50Poison touch of 2D10 POT; natural attack must do 1 hit point of damage for poison to work.
51–52CON is –2D6, but regenerates 3 hit points per round until dead.
53–546-pt. armored skin. If already has armored skin, +6 to its current armor value.
55–56MOV 12
57–58Absorbs 1 or 2 points of any magic or sorcery cast against it, adding the amount to current power points.
59–60Can launch a POW vs. POW attack each round; if successful, target loses 1D6 power points.
61–62Explodes upon reaching 0 hit points, causing 3D6 damage to all within three meters. Armor, shields, etc. will protect against this, though weapon parries cannot.
63–65Appears far more dangerous than really is.
66–67Can turn invisible at will when not in combat.
68–70Reflects 1- or 2-pt. magic or sorcery back at user.
71–728-pt. armored skin. If already has armored skin, +8 to current armor value.
73–7410-pt. armored skin. If already has armored skin, +10 to current armor value.
75–7612-pt. armored skin. If already has armored skin, +12 to current armor value.
77Appears utterly harmless until it enters combat.
78–80Regenerates 1D6 hit points per combat round until dead.
81–82Can leap vertically or horizontally ten meters from a standstill.
83–84Undetectable through magic or sorcery.
85Appearance extremely disorienting; all attacks against it are at –40%.
86–87Extremely valuable gem (or gems) inside creature, discovered if creature is cut open.
88–90Makes agonizing screams continually.
91–92Overpowering stench causes nausea in any who breathe near it. If target fails a Stamina roll, all actions against this creature are Difficult for 1D6+2 rounds.
93–94Reflects 1D6+2-pt. magic or sorcery back at user. Roll randomly each turn a spell is cast against the creature to determine how much is reflected.
95–96The hideous appearance of the creature demoralizes those who it beats in a POW vs. POW resistance roll. If target fails, all actions against this creature are Difficult for 1D6+2 rounds.
97–98SIZ +2D6
99Roll twice again on this table. If this is rolled again, add another two chaotic features, and roll again, etc.
00This creature has CHA 5D6 and is particularly endearing. It attacks with a CHA vs. INT resistance roll. Failure causes the victim to befriend the creature, perhaps even offering to serve it. The creature may have up to 1D6 current companions of this nature, at the gamemaster’s discretion. The charmed character may even fight friends to defend the creature.

Science Fiction Creatures

These creatures are most suitable for science fiction, futuristic, post-apocalyptic, or even horror settings.

Alien, Grey

Grey aliens visit Earth for research and experimentation upon humans and animals and have been doing so for millennia. Because of their relatively frail bodies, they rely on sophisticated technology to immobilize their captive subjects. Their motives are unknown, and exhibit no signs of emotion, rarely even acknowledging the sentience of their subjects as they conduct bizarre and humiliating experiments upon them.

Grey aliens are sometimes encountered at UFO crash sites, wandering around dazed and trying to defend their ship until a rescue arrives. They are either naked or in formfitting mesh jumpsuits and equipped with alien technology.

Move: 7Hit Points 7
Damage Modifier: –1D4Armor None


  • Stun Pistol 50%, 2D6 (stuns, see weapon description)
  • Disintegrator Rifle 35%, 3D6+2 (see weapon description)

Skills: Dodge 40%, Fine Manipulation 75%, First Aid 75%, Hide 60%, Knowledge (Human Culture) 55%, Knowledge (Region: Milky Way) 85%, Language (Area) 20%, Language (Zeta Reticulan) 100%, Listen 55%, Medicine 100%, Navigate 70%, Pilot (UFO) 80%, Repair (Quantum) 50%, Science (Astronomy) 75%, Science (Planetology) 95%, Science (Zoology) 50%, Sense 60%, Spot 50%, Stealth 50%, Technical Skill (UFO Sensors) 50%

Powers: Grey aliens use what humans believe to be psychic powers. Commonly psychic powers are Emotion Control, Mind Control, Mind Shield, Telekinesis, and Telepathy. Each of these is at their POW×2%, or higher.

Alien, Xenomorph

Discovered on the edge of space, these xenomorphs are ravenous for flesh, devouring any living being they come across. Vaguely insectile, xenomorphs communicate with one another in an unknown fashion and are capable of surprisingly sophisticated tactics. They reproduce through a complex and extremely rapid process wherein eggs are implanted into their victims until gestation is complete, at which point the newborn alien emerges and devours the former host. Scientists theorize that each clutch of these aliens is led by an egg-laying brood queen of immense size and superior intelligence. Xenomorphs are cunning, coordinating their attacks to quickly overrun any area they are introduced into, building giant hives and capturing living hosts to serve in their vile reproductive process.

Move: 12Hit Points 12–13
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 2-pt. carapace (spews acidic blood, see below)


  • Claw 50%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)
  • Bite 35%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)
  • Tail Lash 35%, 1D4+dm (impaling)
  • Grapple 35%, special

Each round, the xenomorph can attack twice with claws and once with a bite attack 5 DEX ranks later. If it is successful with both claw attacks, it attempts to grapple and bite on the next round. If appropriate, it substitutes its bite for a tail lash attack.

Skills: Climb 75%, Dodge 50%, Hide 60%, Jump 50%, Listen 35%, Sense 50%, Spot 35%, Stealth 50%, Track 75%.

Powers: Xenomorphs have a special defense: acidic blood. This biological acid is intensely powerful and sprays from any physical wound the xenomorph takes, actively corrosive for 1D6+2 combat rounds. Any target one meter from the xenomorph must make a Luck roll to avoid being spattered. Failure indicates that the character takes 1D3 points from the acid. Armor initially protects against this acid, but not for long. It continues to eat away at armor, doing damage each combat round until it is through the armor. The gamemaster should keep track of the acid’s damage each round until the armor’s value is overcome. At this point, it burns the character. Removing the armor without being burned takes one full combat round and a Difficult Agility roll. If hit locations are used, only the armor on the affected hit location(s) need be removed. Failure indicates that the armor is still on. A fumble indicates that the acid got onto the character. Once a character is being burnt by the acid, it continues burning until it is neutralized by some force, or the acid eventually stops being corrosive at the end of the 1D6+2 rounds.


A grotesque mass of slimy protoplasmic matter. This creature is horrific, constantly extending multiple pseudopods, tendrils, and even approximations of human limbs and sensory organs. Blobs are semi-translucent, and their engulfed victims can be viewed inside as they are eaten away by powerful digestive acids. Blobs can compact their bulk, squeezing through tight spaces, changing their overall shape, but not their actual mass.

Move: 10Hit Points 63
Damage Modifier: +8D6Armor None, but see below


  • Engulf 70%, engulfs + dm (see below)

Skills: Climb 50%, Hide 25%, Sense 25%, Stealth 25%, Track 25%.

A blob has no armor, but fire and electrical attacks do only ½ damage (round up) and physical weapons such as firearms do only 1 point of damage.

Powers: A blob engulfs the target upon a successful attack. Its damage modifier is applied to an engulfed character, and in the subsequent round the character begins to be digested. If using hit locations, damage is divided between all hit locations simultaneously. This does 1D3–1 points of damage each combat round. Protective gear does not work unless it is utterly enclosed, and it only lasts within a blob for combat rounds equal to its armor value. Getting out of a blob is extremely difficult, requiring a successful Difficult Effort roll. Blobs also regenerate 1 hit point per combat round until they reach full hit points.

Robot, Giant

The giant robot was built by a top-secret government organization to defend the world from a bewildering array of strange alien creatures and giant monsters. Armored and equipped with a variety of astonishing weaponry, the giant robot is idolized by people everywhere, despite doing immeasurable property damage whenever it fights.

Move: 24 (176 flying)Hit Points 188 (+100 from Extra Hit Point power)
Damage Modifier: +10D6Armor 30-pt. armored hull


  • Energy Cannon 100%, 10D6 (crushing)
  • Missile Pod 100%, 8D6+8 (impaling + knockback)
  • Energy Sword 75%, 4D10+dm (bleeding)
  • Fist 75%, 1D6+dm (crushing)
  • Kick 75%, 1D6+dm (crushing, knockback)
  • Stomp 75%, 2D6+dm (crushing)
  • Grapple 75%, special

Powers: The giant robot has a variety of components best represented with superpowers, including: Absorption (Electric) 20; Adaptation (High Pressure, Vacuum, always on, no power point cost) 30; Armor (Heat, Kinetic, Radiation) 30 each; Energy Projection (Kinetic) 10; Extra Energy +200; Extra Hit Points +100; Flight 30; Resistance (Radiation, Sound) 10 each; Super Sense (Dark Vision, Infrared Vision, Night Vision, Super Hearing, Super Vision) 10 each; Super Skill 15 (Artillery +60%, Brawl +40%, Fly +60%, Navigate +20%, Repair +20%, Spot +40%). In addition to these powers, the giant robot has a missile pod and a giant energy sword built into its structure.

Skills: Artillery 75%, Dodge 40%, Fine Manipulation 35%, Fly (Internal Rockets) 90%, Jump 55%, Knowledge (Kaiju) 50%, Language (English) 30%, Language (Japanese) 75%, Listen 65%, Martial Arts 40%, Navigate 50%, Repair (Mechanical) 55%, Spot 65%, Throw 55%

Robot, Killer

Killer robots have many different origins. They may have been built for the military and gone amok, household robots turned murderous, or assassins sent from some future time or distant reach of space. Regardless of the reason, the killer robot is pitiless and resourceful, usually bent on the destruction of a single person, an entire group of people, or perhaps anyone of a particular race (for example, human).

Move: 10Hit Points 21
Damage Modifier: +2D6Armor 20-pt. internal plating


  • Plasma Rifle 80%, 2D10+4 (impaling)
  • Assault Rifle 80%, 2D6+2 (impaling)
  • Automatic Shotgun 80%, 4D6/2D6/1D6 (impaling)
  • Heavy Pistol 80%, 1D10+2 (impaling)
  • Fist 80%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Depending on where and when it is encountered, the killer robot is either equipped with advanced weaponry or armaments appropriate to the setting.

Skills: Artillery 80%, Brawl 80%, Climb 50%, Demolition 50%, Dodge 40%, Drive (Motorcycle) 75%, Drive (Truck) 60%, Grapple 80%, Jump 50%, Knowledge (Future History) 65%, Knowledge (Region: Local) 50%, Language (Binary) 100%, Language (Local) 60%, Listen 65%, Pilot (Helicopter) 50%, Repair (Electronics) 75%, Repair (Mechanical) 95%, Spot 75%, Strategy 40%, Throw 55%.

Powers: The killer robot usually has a few superpowers such as Super Sense (Infrared Vision, Super Hearing, Super Vision, Ultrasonic Hearing) at 5 each. It can use these powers without any power point cost. Some killer robots can shape change, stretch, or are armed with integral weaponry such as claws, blades, laser eyes, or internal firearms.

Robot, Utility

A trusted servant of humankind, the utility robot has been engineered to aid in humans. Utility robots are traditionally programmed to be humble and friendly, and above all to avoid performing any actions that could lead to the harm of a living being. Some utility robots have internal tools built inside them when they do mechanical or electrical maintenance and repair, or they may be simple approximations of humankind, destined for roles such as diplomacy, translation, and personal assistance.

Move: 8Hit Points 10–11
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor 4-pt. plating


  • Brawl 30%, 1D3+dm (crushing)
  • Power Tools 50%, 1D6 (fire or electric, see below)

Most utility robots have strict programming injunctions about harming sentient species. However, some are less strict about it than others, and may act in self-defense. Technical robots have a few internal tools such as welders or electric dischargers that can be used for damage.

Skills (Diplomacy Package): Appraise 85%, Bargain 55%, Etiquette 95%, Fast Talk 75%, Heavy Machine (Binary Loadlifter) 50%, Hide 25%, Insight 35%, Knowledge (Alien Cultures) 75%, Knowledge (Linguistics) 100%, Language (all known) 95%, Listen 55%, Persuade 45%, Teach 60%.

Skills (Technical Package): Fine Manipulation 95%, Heavy Machine (Spaceport Systems) 95%, Hide 35%, Language (Galactic Common, cannot speak) 50%, Language (Machine) 100%, Listen 50%, Pilot (Starfighter) 50%, Repair (Electronic) 95%, Repair (Mechanical) 95%, Repair (Quantum) 75%, Spot 50%, Technical Skill (Computer Use) 100%.

Nonplayer Character Digest

These sample nonplayer characters can used instantly or easily customized as needed, reskinned or even used as quick player characters. Their wide range of potential weapons does not mean they always go heavily armed, but that they are skilled in more than a single weapon.

Cave Dweller

A primitive human from a long-vanished epoch of history, the cave dweller is entirely focused around survival for self, family, and tribe. Barely able to use tools, the cave dweller has not yet progressed past the hunter-gatherer stage of civilization, and either inhabits caves for safety or migrates as the seasons change, warring with other tribes for resources or even survival. Cave dwellers often venerate the spirits of weather and their prey.

Move: 10Hit Points 13
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 1-pt. hide


  • Short Spear 50%, 1D6+1+dm (impaling)
  • Short Spear (thrown) 50%, 1D6+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Light Club 50%, 1D6+dm (crushing)
  • Rock (thrown) 50%, 1D2+½dm (crushing)
  • Grapple 50%, special

Skills: Brawl 50%, Climb 60%, Craft (Wood Carving) 25%, Dodge 35%, Hide 35%, Jump 50%, Language (Own) 40%, Listen 55%, Sense 50%, Spot 65%, Stealth 30%, Throw 50%, Track 40%

Powers: Cave dwellers rarely have any powers, though some primitive shamans may have a few magic spells or psychic powers if their POW is high enough.

Criminal Mastermind

The criminal mastermind is a gang leader or highly placed member of an organized crime family, most likely having worked their way up through the ranks. They are skilled in running a large group of individual criminals in the day-to-day activities of organized crime. Unscrupulous, ruthless, determined, and cunning, the criminal mastermind is a resourceful and dangerous enemy. Though they are not physically imposing, they make up for it in ambition, callous disregard for human life, and an army of skilled and vicious henchmen.

Move: 10Hit Points 12
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor None


  • Medium Pistol 75%, 1D8 (impaling)
  • Straight Razor 65%, 1D4+dm (bleeding)
  • Machine Gun 55%, 2D6+4 (impaling)

Skills: Appraise 55%, Bargain 65%, Command 65%, Craft (Cooking) 55%, Craft (License Plates) 35%, Demolition 35%, Disguise 25%, Dodge 50%, Drive (Getaway Car) 45%, Etiquette 45%, Fast Talk 55%, Gaming 60%, Hide 35%, Insight 75%, Knowledge (Law) 55%, Language (Local) 75%, Language (Own) 75%, Listen 55%, Medicine (Pharmacology) 35%, Perform (Singing) 50%, Persuade 75%, Sense 40%, Sleight of Hand 35%, Spot 45%, Status 55%, Stealth 55%, Strategy 60%, Throw 45%.

Powers: Criminal masterminds rarely have powers and are usually the enemies of those with superpowers.


The cyborg is a human augmented with technological elements, either as a means of improvement or as replacement for body parts lost through accident. Half-flesh and half-machine, the cyborg has come to accept this newfound condition, despite the alienation it creates. They may be entirely human in appearance or be an obvious amalgam of flesh and metal.

Move: 10Hit Points 19
Damage Modifier:+2D6 Armor None


  • Brawl 90%, 1D3+10+dm (crushing)

Skills: Climb 40%, Dodge 65%, Drive (Car) 55%, Hide 40%, Jump 75%, Language (Own) 85%, Listen 75%, Pilot (Experimental Jets) 75%, Repair (Electronic) 55%, Science (Cybernetics) 40%, Spot 85%, Stealth 40%, Throw 65%.

Powers: The cyborg’s augmentation is best represented with superpowers, such as the following:

  • Defensive Systems: Armor 5 (vs. electrical energy) Internal Battery: Extra Energy 5 (+50 power points)
  • Physical Improvements: Leap 5 (+10 meters), Super Characteristics 40 (+20 STR, +10 CON, +10 DEX), Super Speed 2 (1 extra movement, 1 extra action)
  • Sensory Enhancements: Super Sense (Super Hearing 10, Super Vision 10, Infrared Vision 5, Ultrasonic Hearing 5)
  • Tactical Modifications: Defense 2 (–10% to be hit), Super Skill 8 (Jump +40%, Listen +40%, Spot +60%, Throw +25%), Unarmed Combat 5 (+10 damage, –25% to one target’s chance of hitting, +25% to Brawl skill)

Weaknesses: The cyborg has the following weaknesses to balance out this awesome power:

  • Cyborg identity makes normal life impossible.
  • Significant involvement with government agency responsible for cyborg modifications.
  • Cyborg components take an extra 1D6 damage from magnetic-based attacks.


The offspring of a god and a mortal, the demigod adventures across the world, battling supernatural threats and aiding normal humans in struggles against the tyranny of the gods. Caught between two worlds, the divine and the mortal, the demigod has a mighty destiny, but has not yet decided whether that fate is to aid humanity in overthrowing the gods, or to lead mortals to greater worship and fealty to the heavens. The demigod often attracts lesser heroes to their cause and is a locus for trouble. Immortal, the demigod can be encountered at any point in history.

Move: 10Hit Points 25
Damage Modifier: +2D6Armor 20-pt. Armor (Kinetic)


  • Brawl 110%, 1D3+dm (crushing)
  • Grapple 110%, special
  • Short Sword 100%, 1D6+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Round Shield 80%, 1D3+dm (knockback)

Skills: Brawl 110%, Climb 80%, Command 45%, Dodge 65%, Drive (Chariot) 65%, Etiquette 25%, Grapple 110%, Insight 55%, Jump 75%, Knowledge (Mythology) 85%, Language (Ancient Own) 100%, Language (Local) 90%, Listen 65%, Navigate 60%, Perform (Harp) 50%, Persuade 45%, Ride (Horse) 45%, Sense 70%, Spot 60%, Status 45%, Stealth 50%, Strategy 60%, Swim 75%, Throw 85%

Powers: The demigod has a variety of powers from the divine parentage, such as the following superpowers:

  • Adaptation (Radiation, Underwater, Vacuum) 5 each; Armor (Kinetic) 20; Extra Energy 20 (+200 power points); Extra Hit Points 30 (+30 HP); Leap 10 (+20 meters to Jump distance); Regeneration 3 (heals 3 HP per combat round); Sidekick (see below); Super Characteristics 50 (STR +20, CON +20, POW +5, CHA +5); Super Skills 20 (Brawl +40%, Grapple +40%, Knowledge [Mythology] +40%, Sense +40%, Shield +80%, Strategy +40%, Sword +80%, Throw +40%), Unarmed Combat 5 (+10 brawl damage, –25% to one attacker’s skill, Brawl/Grapple skill +25%).

Weaknesses: The demigod’s character failings are:

  • Inability to live a normal life.
  • Hunted by enemies of the gods.
  • Hunted by rival gods themselves.
  • Always called on for help by mortals.

Demigods often have a mortal sidekick (using the Sidekick superpower or a normal nonplayer character), someone culturally familiar with the world and reminding them of the humility of mortal existence. Depending on the setting, a demigod could use magic spells or sorcery. They may not even be a divine being and might just be a mutant.


Whether a police detective, forensics expert, private eye, or criminologist, a detective is trained in investigation, observation, surveillance, interrogation of suspects and witnesses, examination of physical evidence, and deduction. Some detectives live action-packed lives full of car chases, beautiful women, and brushes with both the law and criminals. Others work in high-tech laboratories, dusty libraries and sitting rooms, or even in front of a computer terminal searching public and private records.

Move: 10Hit Points 13
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor None


  • Medium Pistol 75%, 1D8 (impaling)
  • Fist 65%, 1D3+dm (crushing)
  • Grapple 50%, special

Skills: Appraise 35%, Bargain 35%, Climb 55%, Disguise 35%, Dodge 40%, Drive (Sedan) 55%, Etiquette 25%, Fast Talk 65%, Hide 40%, Insight 55%, Knowledge (Law) 65%, Knowledge (Region: Local) 55%, Knowledge (Streetwise) 50%, Language (Local) 75%, Listen 45%, Persuade 45%, Research 75%, Sense 50%, Sleight of Hand 25%, Spot 65%, Stealth 50%, Track 35%

Powers: Detectives rarely have powers, though some few magicians or sorcerers become detectives.

Galactic Knight

This spacefaring paladin follows a mystic tradition that provides great and mysterious powers. As a defender of peace and justice throughout the galaxy, the galactic knight has sworn an oath to uphold a code of honor and serves almost as an intergalactic ranger. Most of the galaxy does not understand the strange force the galactic knight serves, though they are respected or feared wherever they go. The galactic knight shuns traditional weaponry, and instead uses an antiquated but sophisticated hand weapon to deadly efficiency.

Move: 10Hit Points 15
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor None


Energy Sword 150%, 2D10+dm (bleeding) Brawl 80%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Climb 75%, Command 50%, Dodge 75%, Hide 45%, Insight 75%, Jump 65%, Knowledge (Region: Galaxy) 35%, Language (Alien) 70%, Language (Own) 105%, Listen 65%, Martial Art s 80%, Navigate 50%, Persuade 35%, Pilot (Starfighter) 65%, Repair (Mechanical) 55%, Sense 70%, Spot 65%, Stealth 70%, Strategy 50%, Throw 60%.

Powers: The galactic knight is skilled in a mystical tradition that provides several psychic abilities, among them Danger Sense 60%, Empathy 55%, Mind Control 35%, Precognition 40%, Telekinesis 45%, and Telepathy 50%.


The gunslinger makes their living killing people, specializing in fast and deadly combat with a handgun. In most cases, the gunslinger began life as something else, but was driven to a life of violence through tragedy or a taste for killing. The gunslinger’s reputation is by far their most potent weapon—many lay down their weapons rather than face certain death. This gives the gunslinger steady work, helping those who need help, whether on the side of law or criminality. Sometimes reputation is a two-edged sword, attracting those who would make themselves famous.

Move: 10Hit Points 15
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 1-pt. heavy clothing


  • Medium Revolver 95%, 1D8 (impaling)
  • Sporting Rifle 85%, 2D6 (impaling)
  • Double-barreled Shotgun 75%, 4D6/2D6/1D6 (impaling)
  • Knife 75%, 1D4+2+dm (impaling)
  • Fist 75%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Brawl 75%, Climb 60%, Demolition 30%, Dodge 60%, First Aid 40%, Gaming 65%, Grapple 50%, Insight 65%, Knowledge (Region: Local) 65%, Language (Own) 70%, Listen 65%, Ride (Horse) 75%, Sense 50%, Sleight of Hand 35%, Spot 75%, Stealth 50%, Throw 55%, Track 40%.

Powers: Gunslingers rarely have powers.


A mounted and armored warrior, skilled in swordsmanship, jousting, and the etiquette of chivalry. Drawn from the noble class, a knight has sworn their allegiance to their liege, and draws a stipend from lands under their domain to pay for their weapons, armor, horses, and lifestyle. Knights practice their skills regularly, compete in tournaments, and journey to war whenever their liege orders. Ideally, a knight is chivalrous and pious, adhering to a code of honor and decency, though this varies knight by knight.

Move: 10Hit Points 15
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 10-pt. plate and heavy helm


  • Long Sword 75%, 1D8+dm (bleeding)
  • Kite Shield 65%, 1D4+dm (knockback)
  • Lance 75%, 1D8+1+ mount’s dm (usually +2D6, impaling, see below)
  • Light Mace 65%, 1D6+2+dm (crushing)
  • Long Bow 60%, 1D8+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Dagger 50%, 1D4+2+dm (impaling)
  • Armored Gauntlet 50%, 1D3+1+dm (crushing)
  • Tournament lances do crushing damage.

Skills: Command 45%, Dodge 50%, Etiquette 65%, Knowledge (Heraldry) 50%, Language (Other) 35%, Language (Own) 60%, Listen 45%, Ride (Horse) 75%, Sense 20%, Spot 45%, Status 60%, Strategy 30%.

Powers: Knights generally do not have powers, though some rare ones know magic. However, a knight may have access to a magic artifact, whether a blessed weapon, holy relic, or armor with some virtue laid upon it. Elves are rumored to have their own orders of knighthood, and these knights would naturally use magic freely. Evil knights who have sworn allegiance to dark powers may use sorcery.


A seemingly normal person who has gone violently, homicidally insane, the maniac is a figure to be feared. The maniac either stalks young victims in isolated locales, such as summer camp or some campground, or takes to the road as a serial killer, seeking out victims to murder for unfathomable reasons. In appearance, the maniac comes in two flavors: utterly ordinary, or in a distinctive costume or mask.

Move: 10Hit Points 14
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor None


  • Butcher Knife 75%, 1D6+dm (impaling)
  • Wood Axe 75%, 1D8+2+dm (bleeding)
  • Chainsaw 65%, 2D8 (bleeding)
  • Pitchfork 55%, 1D6+dm (impaling)
  • Machete 65%, 1D6+dm (bleeding)
  • Grapple 75%, special

Skills: Brawl 75%, Dodge 50%, Drive (Van) 65%, Hide 60%, Language (Own) 60%, Listen 45%, Sense 40%, Spot 65%, Stealth 80%, Throw 50%, Track 40%

Powers: Most maniacs do not have any powers, though some possess exceptional toughness and resilience. These are usually caused by a mutation of some sort, and appropriate mutations include Hardy, Increased Characteristic, Regeneration, or even Natural Weapon (teeth).


This unfortunate soul was mutated through exposure to some radioactive or biological agent, or came to be through a hard luck roll of the genetic dice. Feared and unable to live a normal life, the mutant lurks on the outside of society. In a post-apocalyptic setting, the mutant is likely the victim of radiation and is one of many such creatures, threatening the ‘pure’ humans left.

Move: 10Hit Points 11
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 7-pt. bony knobs on skin


  • Brawl 55%, 1D3+1D6+dm (crushing)

Skills: Disguise 25%, Dodge 40%, Drive (Dune Buggy) 40%, Fast Talk 25%, First Aid 40%, Hide 40%, Language (Own) 55%, Listen 35%, Sense 25%, Spot 30%, Stealth 25%, Track 25%.

Powers: This mutant has developed the following mutations: Congenital Disease (hemophilia, CON –5), Increased Characteristic (STR +6), Natural Weaponry (bony knobs on hands, +1D6 damage), Sensitivity (blood), Structural Improvement (bony knobs across skin, +7-pt. natural armor).


The ninja is a feared shadowy killer from antiquity and even the modern world, trained in secret martial arts and techniques of stealth, infiltration, and assassination. Ninjas are often born into clans, though some rare few seek out the life and are accepted into the ancient orders. They are killers-for-hire, working alone or in groups.

Move: 10Hit Points 12
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor None, or 2-pt. light chain mail


  • Katana 65%, 1D10+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Dagger 65%, 1D4+2+dm (impaling)
  • Composite Bow 50%, 1D8+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Blowgun 50%, 1D3 (impaling) + poison (see below)
  • Fist 55%, 1D3+dm (crushing)
  • Kick 55%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

A ninja’s blowdarts are usually covered in a paralytic POT 15 poison (see Poisons).

Skills: Climb 80%, Disguise 55%, Dodge 65%, Fine Manipulation 45%, Hide 70%, Jump 65%, Language (Own) 70%, Listen 65%, Martial Arts 35%, Sense 50%, Sleight of Hand 55%, Spot 55%, Stealth 75%, Swim 55%, Throw 50%, Track 35%.

Powers: Ninja do not generally have powers, though in settings where they do, they would have either sorcery or superpowers approximating extraordinary martial arts.


A colorful predator of the high seas, the pirate is an oceangoing bandit, ranging from urbane rogues to despicable savages. This pirate is a sample crewmember of an average pirate ship and is skilled in seamanship and hand-to-hand combat.

Move: 10Hit Points 14
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor None


  • Cutlass (Saber) 55%, 1D8+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Knife 45%, 1D4+2+dm (impaling)
  • Flintlock Pistol 50%, 1D6+1 (impaling)
  • Musket 40%, 1D10+4 (impaling)
  • Fist 50%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Artillery 30%, Brawl 50%, Climb 80%, Craft (Carpentry) 55%, Dodge 40%, Fine Manipulation 45%, Gaming 35%, Grapple 50%, Jump 45%, Knowledge (Region: Local) 40%, Language (Local) 40%, Language (Own) 55%, Listen 45%, Navigate 50%, Perform (Sing Sea Chantey) 45%, Pilot (Ship) 35%, Sense 30%, Sleight of Hand 35%, Spot 50%, Swim 45%, Throw 50%.

Powers: In most settings, pirates don’t have any powers. Some pirate chiefs, however, make pacts with darkness and are taught sorcery if their POW is high enough to qualify. Appropriate spells are Bird’s Vision (1), Breath of Life (1), Rat’s Vision (1), Sorcerer’s Razor (2), Sorcerer’s Sureness (2), and Wings of the Sky (4).

Police Officer

This is a police officer from any modern country. Trained in a wide variety of law enforcement techniques, the police officer is usually on patrol, or is called to the scene of an incident. In the event of a major incident in an urban area, police will likely be the first on the scene. More heavily armed police officers are a part of a Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T) team and are usually called on to deal with excessively violent situations.

Move: 10Hit Points 14
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 8-pt. bulletproof vest (4-pt. vs. melee weapons) or 12-pt. riot gear


  • Medium Pistol 70%, 1D8 (impaling)
  • Shotgun 50%, 4D6/2D6/1D6 (impaling)
  • Baton (Light Club) 50%, 1D6+dm (crushing)
  • Pepper Spray 65%, special (POT 16, blinds 1D4+2 combat rounds)
  • Taser 65%, special (see Stunning or Subduing)
  • Grapple 65%, special

Skills: Brawl 65%, Dodge 40%, Drive (Police Car) 55%, Insight 35%, Knowledge (Law) 50%, Language (Spanish) 30%, Language (English) 80%, Listen 50%, Persuade 50%, Ride (Horse) 45%, Sense 30%, Spot 45%, Stealth 30%, Throw 45%.

Powers: Police officers rarely, ever, have powers.


The priest is a devout worshipper of their patron deity, having left the safety of the monastery and into the outside world, armored in piety and armed with the blessings of the deity. The priest ventures to strange and exotic lands to bring the message of truth to the unbelievers and strikes with vengeance any who oppose their divine mandate.

Move: 10Hit Points 14
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 8-pt. chain and light helmet


  • Morningstar Flail 50%, 1D10+1+dm (crushing)
  • Full Shield 45%, 1D4+dm (knockback)
  • Sling 40%, 1D8+½dm (crushing)
  • Kick 40%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Art (Illuminated Manuscripts) 35%, Command 25%, Craft (Bookmaking) 35%, Dodge 40%, First Aid 45%, Insight 35%, Knowledge (Religion) 70%, Language (Own) 70%, Listen 45%, Literacy (Common) 70%, Perform (Hymns) 35%, Persuade 45%, Ride (Horse) 35%, Spot 40%, Status 35%, Teach 30%

Powers: The priest has psychic abilities granted by their deity: Divination, Mind Shield, Precognition, and Sensitivity, all at the priest’s POWx1%. Additionally, the priest has an allegiance of at least 50 to their patron deity, with whatever benefits that may entail. See Allegiance.


Born with a particular gift, the psychic’s powers developed during young adulthood. The psychic learned self-discipline and meditation techniques to quiet the voices echoing through their head, and now these strange gifts have been put to the purpose of aiding others, using them to seek knowledge and hidden truth.

Move: 10Hit Points 14
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor None
  • Attacks:
  • Fist 35%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Art (Painting) 35%, Bargain 35%, Dodge 40%, Drive (Automobile) 30%, Fast Talk 35%, Insight 50%, Knowledge (Art History) 45%, Language (Own) 90%, Listen 35%, Research 65%, Sense 35%, Spot 40%, Status 35%, Stealth 30%.

Powers: The psychic abilities Aura Detection 35%, Precognition 25%, and Psychometry 50%.


The soldier is trained in modern principles of warfare, utilizing weaponry and tactics, obedient to the chain of command, supportive of teammates, and remaining calm under fire. Under ideal conditions, the soldier is well-equipped, well-supported, and well-informed. This example soldier is especially fit and experienced, perhaps an elite commando.

Move: 10Hit Points 15
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 8-pt. bulletproof vest (4-pt. vs. melee weapons) + 3-pt. light helmet


  • Assault Rifle 65%, 2D6+2 (impaling)
  • Combat Knife (Dagger) 50%, 1D4+2+dm (impaling)
  • Grenade (Explosive) 40%, 4D6 (knockback)

Skills: Artillery 30%, Brawl 45%, Climb 50%, Command 25%, Dodge 40%, Drive (Humvee) 45%, First Aid 40%, Grapple 50%, Hide 35%, Jump 35%, Language (Own) 65%, Listen 45%, Spot 45%, Stealth 40%, Strategy 20%, Throw 40%

Powers: Soldiers rarely, if ever, have powers.


Chosen from youth and apprenticed in the mystic arts, the sorcerer deals with demons and commands the very elemental forces. The sorcerer is arrogant among lesser, non-magical mortals. At the same time, they are exceedingly careful of getting into personal combat, an arena they are woefully unprepared to compete in.

Move: 10Hit Points 13
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor None, or 4-pt. Sorcerer’s Armor


  • Dagger 35%, 1D4+2+dm (impaling)

Skills: Appraise 35%, Dodge 40%, Etiquette 35%, Fast Talk 45%, Hide 30%, Insight 35%, Knowledge (Academic Lore) 50%, Knowledge (Blasphemous Lore) 20%, Knowledge (Occult) 70%, Language (Demonic) 50%, Language (Own) 85%, Listen 35%, Persuade 45%, Research 75%, Ride (Horse) 35%, Sense 35%, Sleight of Hand 35%, Spot 55%.

Powers: These sorcery spells are in memory: Curse of Sorcery (4), Sorcerous Armor (4), Sorcerer’s Sharp Flame (3), Summon Demon (1), Undo Sorcery (2), Heal (2), Witch Sight (3).


A secret operative working clandestinely for a government agency, trained in infiltration, stealth, disguise, combat, and other espionage skills. Missions range from armed intrusion to infiltration of enemy groups with surveillance, sabotage, or assassination as the end goal. They may be equipped with an array of gadgets and weapons, some disguised as commonplace items. Consult Chapter Eight: Equipment for guidelines on constructing high-tech spy gear.

Move: 10Hit Points 14
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 5-pt. ballistic cloth tuxedo (3-pt. vs. melee weapons)


  • Light Pistol 75%, 1D6 (impaling)
  • Sniper Rifle 75%, 2D10+4 (impaling)
  • Throwing Knife 75%, 1D4+½dm (impaling)
  • Fist 80%, 1D3+dm (crushing)
  • Kick 65%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Appraise 45%, Brawl 65%, Climb 60%, Demolition 40%, Disguise 60%, Dodge 50%, Drive (Sports Car) 85%, Etiquette 65%, Fast Talk 75%, Fine Manipulation 75%, First Aid 55%, Gaming 65%, Grapple 65%, Hide 75%, Insight 65%, Jump 50%, Knowledge (Espionage) 75%, Language (Own) 90%, Language (Other) 70%, Listen 65%, Martial Arts 45%, Persuade 55%, Pilot (Boat) 65%, Pilot (Helicopter) 45%, Research 45%, Ride (Horse) 45%, Sense 60%, Sleight of Hand 55%, Spot 65%, Stealth 70%, Strategy 50%, Swim 65%, Throw 65%, Track 35%.

Powers: Spies rarely, if ever, have any powers.


Given powers by some freak accident or genetic abnormality, the superhero has vowed to do right, seeking justice for everyone, using their abilities to help normal people and protect them from threats both natural and unnatural, as well as those posed by super villains. Most keep their superheroic identities a secret, living normal lives when they can. A few superheroes have partners or join teams. The superhero is often wracked with self-doubt, wondering if the cost of heroism is too high.

This sample superhero is Stormcloud, a brash (and inexperienced) lightning-based hero, and enemy of Doctor Dread. Stormcloud’s civilian identity is that of a television meteorologist.

Move: 10 (62 flying)Hit Points 16
Damage Modifier: +1D6Armor 12-pt. Armor (Kinetic, Radiation)


  • Lightning Bolt 45%, 6D6 (electric)
  • Brawl 50%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Art (Photography) 70%, Brawl 50%, Dodge 50%, Drive (Car) 35%, Fly 80%, Grapple 35%, Knowledge (Region: Local) 35%, Language (other) 00%, Language (Own) 85%, Perform (News) 50%, Research 45%, Science (Meteorology) 25%, Status 25%, Technical Skill (Use Computer) 35%.

Powers: Stormcloud has the following superpowers: Absorption (Electric) 18; Armor (Kinetic, Radiation) 12 each; Energy Projection (Electric) 6; Extra Energy 15 (+150 power points); Flight 10; and Super Characteristics 30 (STR +14, CON +8, DEX +8).

Weaknesses: Stormcloud’s character failing is a weakness to water, losing –2D6 power points each round wet or submerged.


Unlike the superhero, the supervillain enjoys a life of crime, utilizing their abilities in pursuit of fortune, power, revenge, or other malfeasance. The supervillain can be a master criminal or a glorified thug, depending on their ambition. Some supervillains choose to work alone, while others have a cadre of minions. Even fewer supervillains work together in teams, as the unstable personalities tend to make equitable partnerships impossible.

This sample supervillain is Doctor Dread, a former defense industries engineer whose funding was cut. After using unlicensed military tech to build a suit of protective armor, Doctor Dread seeks a means of financing further (and potentially illegal) weapons research. These statistics represent Doctor Dread in the armor.

Move: 10 (62 flying)Hit Points 14
Damage Modifier: NoneArmor 4-pt. Armor (Kinetic) + 20-pt. Force Field (Electric, Kinetic, Radiation)


  • Heat Projector 70%, 6D6 (fire)
  • Brawl 50%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Command 35%, Dodge 40%, Drive (Van) 55%, Fine Manipulation 65%, Jump 65%, Language (Own) 125%, Listen 45%, Repair (Electronic) 85%, Repair (Quantum) 75%, Research 85%, Science (Physics) 95%, Spot 50%, Technical Skill (Use Computer) 95%.

Powers: Doctor Dread’s armor provides the following superpowers: Armor (Kinetic) 4; Energy Projection (Heat) 6; Extra Energy 15(+150 power points); Flight 3; Force Field (Electric, Kinetic, Radiation) 20 each; Leap 10 (+20 meters to Jump distance); Super Sense (Infravision, Ultrasonic Hearing) 1 each.

Weaknesses: Doctor Dread’s character failings are full-time supervillainy; physically distinctive (ugly); psychological failings (bloodthirsty, arrogant); supervillain identity tied to armor and not on full-time; armor can be shut down or removed.


A goon for hire, usually working for a criminal group or sometimes just looking for trouble. A thug can be backup muscle or on their own, whether breaking-and-entering, robbery, banditry, or mugging.

Move: 10Hit Points 15
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 1-pt. leather jacket


  • Heavy Pistol 50%, 1D10+2 (impaling)
  • Switchblade 50%, 1D4+dm (impaling)
  • Baseball Bat 50%, 1D6+dm (crushing)
  • Fist 50%, 1D3+dm (crushing)
  • Head Butt 35%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Demolition 20%, Dodge 35%, Drive (Truck) 50%, Gaming 30%, Grapple 50%, Hide 25%, Insight 25%, Knowledge (Region: Home City) 35%, Language (Own) 50%, Listen 35%, Persuade 35%, Sense 30%, Sleight of Hand 25%, Spot 35%, Stealth 25%, Throw 35%.

Powers: Thugs never have powers. If they did, they’d be doing better for themselves.

Tribal Warrior

The tribal warrior is encountered in any area where civilization has not reached. They use weapons that are considered primitive by the standard of the day, and participate in their tribe’s survival, hunting and fighting to defend the tribe against trespassers and attackers. The tribal warrior places great faith in the wisdom from the elders of the tribe who interpret the words of the gods.

Move: 10Hit Points 15
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 1-pt. hide armor


  • Short Spear 65%, 1D6+1+dm (impaling)
  • Short Spear (thrown) 75%, 1D6+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Light Club 55%, 1D6+dm (crushing)
  • Light Club (thrown) 65%, 1D6+½dm (crushing)
  • Shield 65%, 1D2+dm (knockback)
  • Blowgun 75%, 1D3 (impaling) + poison (see below)*
  • Grapple 65%, special

*A tribal warrior’s blowdarts are usually covered in a paralytic POT 10 poison (see Poisons).

Some tribal warriors adopt the use of captured weapons from civilized men, while others shun them.

Skills: Climb 75%, Dodge 40%, Hide 45%, Jump 45%, Language (Own) 60%, Listen 55%, Sense 60%, Spot 65%, Stealth 60%, Swim 55%, Throw 65%, Track 70%.

Powers: Tribal warriors rarely have powers. However, tribes are usually allied with a shaman or wise person who may have powers. These powers are usually psychic abilities or magic spells, sometimes sorcery.


Vikings are northern warriors who take lengthy sea-voyages for exploration, trade (against strong opponents or allies), and raiding (against enemies or those weaker). They are fierce and proud, excellent sailors, and surprisingly civilized given their savage reputation. Vikings have their own code of honor and laws and adhere to them stringently, though their rules do not apply to others.

Move: 10Hit Points 15
Damage Modifier: +1D4Armor 7-pt. scale and light helmet


  • Broad Sword 65%, 1D8+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Hand Axe 55%, 1D6+1+dm (bleeding)
  • Hand Axe (thrown) 55%, 1D6+1+½dm (bleeding)
  • Self Bow 50%, 1D6+1+½dm (impaling)
  • Large Round Shield 50%, 1D4+dm (knockback)
  • Brawl 55%, 1D3+dm (crushing)

Skills: Appraise 45%, Bargain 35%, Brawl 25%, Craft (type) 05%, Dodge 40%, Gaming 40%, Grapple 35%, Insight 15%, Jump 25%, Language (Own) 55%, Listen 40%, Navigate 35%, Pilot (ship) 25%, Ride (type) 05%, Spot 35%, Status 25%.

Powers: Vikings rarely have any powers. Some spellcasters use a variety of magic types, from rune magic, shapeshifting, or sorcery. Depending on the setting, a wealthy or favored Viking may have weaponry, armor, or some other magic artifacts.

Customizing Creatures and Nonplayer Characters

It may be necessary to customize these creatures and nonplayer characters based on the power level of your game, or to better match the competency of the player characters. Here are guidelines for doing so and for managing these creatures and nonplayer characters as needed.

It may make more sense for opponents to be of a higher caliber in one power level, such as a fantasy or superhero setting, while in other settings it might seem inappropriate or too challenging. In cases like these, the gamemaster may choose to increase the threat an opponent faces in another fashion, such as to increase the number encountered, or give them superior equipment, or other means as described below.

Normal Campaigns

The creatures and nonplayer characters in this chapter are geared for a normal campaign. They do not normally need to be adjusted, unless for a particular setting. Whenever adjusting characteristics, take note of any modified secondary characteristics (damage bonus, hit points, major wound, power points, etc.).

One thing to keep in mind is that even a little armor goes a long way. Adding 3 points of armor to an entity can make them challenging, and with more than +6 points they become very difficult to harm.

Heroic Campaigns

For a heroic campaign, here are ways you can adjust creatures or nonplayer characters to better suit heroic-level characters:

  • Increasing the number of the creatures or nonplayer characters encountered by +25% or more.
  • Adding one more extremely competent leader to any groups, perhaps built on the epic power level.
  • Having them use superior tactics, be more cautious or aggressive, and taking better advantage of their terrain to gain tactical advantages and keep the player characters off-balance.
  • Increasing key characteristics by another D6, or a flat +3, keeping the rollable maximums intact.
  • Modifying combat-oriented and other relevant skills by +25% or multiplied by ×1.5.
  • Adding more powers or increased efficacy in existing powers.
  • Equipping them with better equipment, armor, weaponry, etc.

Epic Campaigns

For an epic campaign, here are ways to adjust creatures or nonplayer characters to present more of a challenge:

  • Doubling the number that would be encountered by normal characters.
  • Giving them a leader at the superhuman power level.
  • Increasing characteristics by +6 or more, beyond racial maximums.
  • Doubling skill rankings.
  • Having them use skills like Command and Strategy to even the playing field.
  • Adding all-new powers or multiple power groups, or combining entries, with superpowers like Extra Hit Points an easy solution.
  • Giving foes the best equipment, armor, and weaponry available, whether power armor, magical artifacts, medical supplies capable of instant healing, etc. .

Superhuman Campaigns

For a superhuman campaign, the gamemaster may choose to adjust the following aspects of a creature or nonplayer character:

  • Numbers can be increased to the limit of what you feel comfortable handling, mixing up normal, heroic, and epic level nonplayer characters to vary the challenge.
  • Increasing characteristics far past the rollable maximums, using whatever powers to make these foes almost titanic in abilities and competency.
  • Tripling or even quadrupling skill ratings far above 100%.
  • Adding less obvious powers like Extra Hit Points, Super Characteristics, Super Skill, etc.
  • Equipping opponents with exceptional arms, armor, and other gear, including magical or powered gear. They will also use this equipment tactically and to the best of their abilities.

General Notes

As noted, these are just suggestions, and should be applied intelligently. Examine the player characters’ abilities and use that as a basis for how tough to make meaningful opponents. Don’t be afraid to scale back an encounter by having enemies flee, or increase the difficulty by having new enemies arrive, or introducing some environmental factor make things more difficult for everyone.

Gauging an enemy’s relative strength against a player character’s is a difficult art to master, and the flat distribution of dice results and unexpected tactics can make a potentially easy encounter a life-or-death struggle or end a climactic battle with a single first (and lucky) shot.

It’s important, though, to always remember the main rule: have fun and make sure the players are having fun, too.

Creature Hit Location Tables

Hit locations allow for great detail in determining where an attack landed and appeal to many because they represent a more ‘realistic’ depiction of injuries. The standard hit location chart provided is suitable for any bipedal humanoid, other creatures have differently-shaped bodies and need different hit location charts.

This section presents a variety of hit location charts and quick formulas for determining the hit points per location for any creature desired. To determine which table to use, pick the one most appropriate to the desired creature.

  • Humanoid: Human, Alien (Grey), Angel (wings hidden), Cyborg, Dwarf, Elf, Ghost, Ghoul, Giant, Halfling, Minotaur, Mummy, Mutant, Orc, Robots (Giant, Killer, Utility), Skeleton, Troll, Vampire (in human form), Elementals (Earth, Water), Werewolf (in hybrid form), Zombie
  • Formless: Blob
  • Four-Legged Humanoid: Centaur
  • Four-Legged: Bear, Dog, Gorilla, Horse, Lion, Tiger, Unicorn, Wolf
  • Four-Legged with Tail: Alien (Xenomorph), Alligator or Crocodile, Elemental (Fire)
  • Giant Four-Legged With Tail: Brontosaurus
  • Multi-Limbed: Squid (Giant)
  • Snake: Snakes (Constrictor, Venomous)
  • Two-Legged with Tail: Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Winged: Hawk
  • Winged Four-Legged: Griffin

To determine hit points per location, either use the hit point formula, or use the Hit Points Per Location table.


D20 RollResultFormula
1–4Right Leg1/3 total
5–8Left Leg1/3 total
9–11Abdomen1/3 total
12Chest2/5 total
13–15Right Arm1/4 total
16–18Left Arm1/4 total
19–20Head1/3 total


D20 RollResultFormula


D20 RollResultFormula
1–2Right Hindleg1/4 total
3–4Left Hindleg1/4 total
5–7Hindquarters2/5 total
8–10Forequarters2/5 total
11–13Right Foreleg1/4 total
14–16Left Foreleg1/4 total
17–20Head1/3 total

Four-legged Humanoid

D20 RollResultFormula
1–2Right Hindleg1/4 total
3–4Left Hindleg1/4 total
5–6Hindquarters2/5 total
7–8Forequarters2/5 total
9–10Right Foreleg1/4 total
11–12Left Foreleg1/4 total
13–14Chest2/5 total
15–16Right Arm1/4 total
17–18Left Arm1/4 total
19–20Head1/3 total

Four-legged with Tail

D20 RollResultFormula
1–3Tail1/3 total
4Right Hindleg1/4 total
5Left Hindleg1/4 total
6–9Hindquarters2/5 total
10–14Forequarters2/5 total
15Right Foreleg1/4 total
16Left Foreleg1/4 total
17–20Head1/3 total

Giant Four-legged with Tail

D20 RollResultFormula
1–2Tail1/3 total
3–4Right Hindleg1/4 total
5–6Left Hindleg1/4 total
7–10Hindquarters2/5 total
11–14Forequarters2/5 total
15–16Right Foreleg1/4 total
17–18Left Foreleg1/4 total
19–20Head1/3 total


D20 RollResultFormula
1Arm1/4 total
2Arm 21/4 total
3Arm 31/4 total
4Arm 41/4 total
5Arm 51/4 total
6Arm 61/4 total
7Arm 71/4 total
8Arm 81/4 total
9Arm 91/4 total
10Arm1/4 total
11–15Body2/5 total
16–20Head2/5 total


D20 RollResultFormula
1–6Tail1/3 total
7–14Body2/5 total
15–20Head1/3 total

Two-legged with Tail

D20 RollResultFormula
1–2Tail1/3 total
3–5Right Leg1/3 total
6–8Left Leg1/3 total
9–11Abdomen2/5 total
12–15Chest2/5 total
16Right Arm1/4 total
17Left Arm1/4 total
18–20Head1/3 total


D20 RollResultFormula
1–3Right leg1/5 total
4–6Left leg1/5 total
7–12Body2/5 total
13–15Right wing1/5 total
16–18Left wing1/5 total
19–20Head1/4 total

Winged Four-Legged

D20 RollResultFormula
1–2Right Hindleg1/4 total
3–4Left Hindleg1/4 total
5–7Hindquarters2/5 total
8–10Forequarters2/5 total
11–12Right Wing1/4 total
13–14Left Wing1/4 total
15–16Right Foreleg1/4 total
17–18Left Foreleg1/4 total
19–20Head1/3 total

Winged, Four-legged with Tail

D20 RollResultFormula
1–2Tail1/4 total
3–4Right Hindleg1/3 total
5–6Left Hindleg1/3 total
7–8Hindquarters2/5 total
9–10Forequarters2/5 total
11–12Right Wing1/4 total
13–14Left Wing1/4 total
15–16Right Foreleg1/3 total
17–18Left Foreleg1/3 total
19–20Head1/3 total

Winged Humanoid

D20 RollResultFormula
1–3Right Leg1/3 total
4–6Left Leg1/3 total
7–9Abdomen1/3 total
10Chest2/5 total
11–12Right Wing1/5 total
13–14Left Wing1/5 total
15–16Right Arm1/4 total
17–18Left Arm1/4 total
19–20Head1/3 total

Creature Hit Location Table

To determine the hit points per location, compare the creature’s total hit points with the fraction. Each total hit point value is provided a range and fractions are rounded up based on that range. For a more precise calculation, use the formulas provided above.

100, etc.41342616