Medieval Age


Jazz Age


Modern Age

Melee Weapons

Unarmed attacks, like punching, kicking, and strangling, use the Unarmed Combat skill. All melee weapons use the Melee Weapons skill.

Sample WeaponsDamage
Bare hands and feet1D4–1*
Brass knuckles or steel-toe boot1D4*
Ordinary knife or hatchet1D4*
Combat knife, garotte or nightstick1D6*
Tomahawk, machete, or baseball bat1D8*
Large sword, chainsaw2D6*

*Damage bonus is added for this weapon

Ranged Weapons

Old-fashioned ranged weapons that are aimed (e.g., crossbows, bow, and slings) use the Firearms skill even though they aren’t firearms. All such weapons require some kind of ammunition (arrows, bolts, bow) and are useless if the supply is exhausted. Primitive weapons that are thrown (e.g., spears) use Athletics skill.

Sample WeaponsDamageBase Range
Thrown Knife1D4*STR×5 feet
Thrown Spear1D8*STR×5 yards

*Damage bonus is added for this weapon

Small Arms

Sample WeaponsDamageBase Range
Small-caliber pistol1D810 yards
Medium Pistol1D1015 yards
Carbine or very large pistol1D12100 yards for carbine
20 yards for heavy pistol
Rifle1D12+2 [Armor Piercing 3]150 yards
Shotgun blast, close range2D1050 yards

full damage up to 10yds;
reduced to 1D10 for 10—20yds;
reduced to 1D6 for 20+ yards

Automatic and Heavy Weapons

Sample WeaponsSkillBase RangeLethalityKill Radius
Submachine gun, fully automaticFirearms50 yards10%1–3 yds
Assault rifle or carbine, fully automaticFirearms100 yards10% [Armor Piercing 3]1–3 yds
Very heavy sniper rifleFirearms250 yards20% [Armor Piercing 5]None
Light machine gunMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)200 yards10% [Armor Piercing 3]3 yds
Heavy machine gunMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)400 yards20% [Armor Piercing 5]3 yds
Hand grenadeAthletics20 yards15%10 yds
Improvised explosive deviceMilitary Training (Demolitions)N/A15%10 yds
Grenade launcherMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)150 yards15%10 yds
Rocket-propelled grenadeMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)200 yards30%10 yds

Depending on when and where the game is set, the Protagonists may have easy access to a range of different firearms. Firearms can be heavily accessorized. Popular gun add-ons include tactical lights, sound suppressors, holographic sights, telescopic sights, night sights, and targeting lasers. Many rifles can also be fitted with an under-barrel shotgun or grenade launcher.


Lightweight pistols fire low-powered cartridges and are of limited use even against humans. Medium pistols are the standard sidearms in law enforcement and the military everywhere. They fire moderately powerful rounds. Most revolvers hold six shots, but some late models hold seven or eight. Pocket revolvers sometimes take only five. There’s a huge variety of ammunition capacities for semiautomatic pistol magazines, but 15 is typical, although 17 or even 20 is not uncommon. Large-caliber pistols often carry less. A typical figure for a heavy pistol is eight.


A typical pump-action shotgun holds five shots, although there are many with extended magazines for eight or more. Double-barrel shotguns hold one shot per barrel and can fire both barrels at one target with one attack roll. Shotguns can fire shot (a spread of small projectiles), slugs (a single heavy bullet), or “non-lethal” ammunition such as bean bag rounds, baton rounds, or rubber shot.

FIRING SHOT: Grants a +20% bonus to hit at all ranges: at point-blank due to the target being so close (see ATTACK MODIFIERS on page 46) and beyond that due to the spread of projectiles. If the target has an Armor rating due to armor or cover, double it.

FIRING BOTH BARRELS: You can fire both barrels of a double-barrel shotgun at one target with one attack roll. That inflicts an extra +1D8 damage at base range. It adds no damage beyond base range as the shot or the slugs separate.

OTHER GAUGES: These rules assume a standard 12-gauge shotgun. Modify the damage by +2 for a heavier gauge or −2 for a lighter gauge.

Submachine Guns

Submachine guns fire full-automatic bursts but are often also capable of semi-automatic fire. When firing semi-automatic, the weapon inflicts ordinary damage; with automatic fire, it uses a Lethality rating (see LETHALITY RATING on page 50).

Rifles and Carbines

Rifles fire more powerful cartridges than pistols or submachine guns, for better penetration, wounding, and range. However, they are also bulkier. Some military rifles — assault rifles in smaller calibers and automatic rifles in heavier calibers — are capable of firing full-automatic bursts with Lethality ratings. Especially heavy rifles have Lethality ratings with single shots.

Older rifles and many hunting rifles use a bolt action that must be manually worked before each shot, which delays aiming. An attack with one in the turn immediately after it’s already been fired is at −20%. A bolt-action rifle gets no benefit from the Aim action in the turn immediately after it’s fired.

Heavy Weapons, Demolitions and Artillery

Many unnatural things that Protagonists face are inscrutable perversions of physics no more vulnerable to explosions than they are to crucifixes. This never stops Protagonists from trying.

The Base Range for each weapon reflects the fact that it needs to be accurate enough only to get a target within the Kill Radius. Machine guns fired off their bipod, tripod, or vehicle mount halve Base Range.

Many of these weapons actually fire in automatic bursts as well, which is subsumed under their Lethality ratings and Kill Radius. The Ammo Capacity of these weapons also varies widely, often depending on the vehicle on which they are mounted.

Only the lightest of Heavy Weapons will be commonly found, usually in military bases and the like. Most of the heavier ones are vehicle-mounted or specialized gear designed for military support units; these will typically be hard for the Protagonists to get their hands on, and even harder for them to transport to where they need firepower.

>> Unusual Ammunition
Most small-arms ammunition uses the standard, listed damage ratings. Special types are available.

ARMOR-PIERCING: Pistols, rifles, and submachine guns can fire bullets designed to pierce body armor. An armor piercing bullet reduces Armor by 5 (see ARMOR PIERCING WEAPONS on page 54; this replaces the weapon’s usual Armor Piercing rating, if any), but it does −1 damage (to a minimum of 1 point).

HOLLOW POINT: Pistols, rifles, and submachine guns can fire expanding bullets designed to cause greater tissue trauma at the expense of penetration. A hollow point round does +1 damage but armor is twice as effective against it.

Selective Fire

Type of FireAmmo UsedLethalityKill Radius
Short Burst310%None
Long Burst510%1 yd
Short Spray1010%2 yds
Long Spray2010%3 yds

Weapons with Special Effects

Some types of weapons do something other than (or as well as) inflicting damage to Hit Points.

Tear Gas and Pepper Spray

These irritant chemicals make eyes tear, lungs seize, and exposed tissues sting like hell. If hit, the target must make a CON×5 test or be stunned and suffer a penalty (usually -20%) to all actions for one hour. If the CON×5 roll succeeds, the target is not stunned and suffers half the usual penalty. As described on page 49, STUNNED individuals can’t take further combat actions until they succeed at a CON×5 test, which may be attempted once per turn.

A tear gas grenade only needs to land near a target to have effect, so the attack roll has a bonus of +20%. A tear gas grenade’s cloud lingers in the air only a minute or two. Pepper spray is best used before combat begins, when no attack rolls are needed. If a pepper spray attack roll fails, the attacker partially sprays himself or herself. The attacker must make a CON×5 test at +20% to avoid being stunned and suffers a −20% penalty for one hour.

Wearing a gas mask protects against these effects but incurs a −20% penalty to Alertness and Search tests.

Stun Grenades

A “flash-bang” is a grenade that makes a huge noise and bright flash which deafens, blinds and staggers everyone within a 10-yard radius (indoors) or 5 yards (outdoors).

Each target is stunned (unable to act until a CON×5 test succeeds; check each turn). After the stun wears off, the target suffers a −40% penalty to all actions for 1D6 turns. (Having eye or ear protection reduces the penalty to −20%.)

A stun grenade only needs to land near a target to have effect, so the attack roll has a bonus of +20%. If someone is tossing it into a closed room with the benefit of surprise, it doesn’t even require a roll.

Bright Lights

A bright flashlight in darkness can dazzle someone up to 10 yards away by shining it in the target’s eyes. This is an action in combat. It requires a DEX×5 test, which is automatically opposed by the target’s DEX×5 test. A dazzled target is at a −20% penalty to all rolls for 1D6 turns.

Electroshock Weapons

A conducted energy device or stun gun discharges a high-voltage electrical shock into the target, causing the target’s muscles to spasm violently. The victim must roll a CON×5 test to resist being stunned. If stunned, he or she is unable to act until a CON×5 test succeeds (attempted each turn). After the stun wears off, the victim suffers a −20% penalty to all actions for 1D20 turns.

Human bodies are excellent conductors of electricity. Anyone holding the target of an electroshock attack suffers the same effects.

Future Age Weapons

Melee Weapons

Sample WeaponsDamage
Bare hands and feet1D4–1*
Brass knuckles or steel-toe boot1D4*
Ordinary knife or hatchet1D4*
Combat knife, garotte or nightstick1D6*
Tomahawk, machete, or baseball bat1D8*
Large sword, chainsaw2D6*
Power sword2D8

Ranged Weapons

Sample WeaponsSkillDamageBase Range
CrossbowFirearms1D8+250 yards/meters
Thrown RockAthletics1D4*20 yards/meters
Thrown KnifeAthletics1D4*STR×5 feet
Thrown Hand GrenadeAthleticsLethality 12%, 4 ydsSTR×3 yards/meters

*Damage bonus is added for this weapon

Small Arms (Projectile / Beam)

Sample WeaponsDamageBase Range
Small-caliber pistol1D810 yards/metres for projectile, 50 yards/metres for beam
Medium Pistol1D1015 yards/metres for projectile, 100 yards/metres for beam
Carbine or very large pistol1D1220 yards/metres for projectile, 200 yards/metres for beam
Carbine1D12100 yards/metres for projectile, 500 yards/metres for beam
Rifle1D12+2 [Armor Piercing 3]150 yards
Shotgun/flechette blast, close range2D1050 yards/meters

(full damage up to 10m; reduced to 1D10 for 10—20m; reduced to 1D6 for 20+ meters)

*Beam weapons (e.g., lasers and blasters), while about as damaging as projectile weapons, have far longer range and no recoil. They’re also capable of automatic fire without recoil penalties. Their power pack capacity is roughly equivalent to magazines in a projectile weapon.

Automatic and Heavy Weapons

Sample WeaponsSkillBase RangeLethalityKill Radius
Submachine gun, fully auto [projectile]Firearms50 yards/meters10%1–3 yards/meters
Laser carbine, fully autoFirearms200 yards/meters10%1–3 yards/meters
Battle rifle, fully auto [projectile]Firearms100 yards/meters10% [Armor Piercing 3]1–3 yards/meters
Battle laser, fully autoFirearms1000 yards/meters10% [Armor Piercing 3]1–3 yards/meters
Very heavy sniper rifle [projectile]Firearms250 yards/meters20% [Armor Piercing 5]None
Very heavy sniper laserFirearms5000 yards/meters20% [Armor Piercing 5]None
Plasma rifle**Firearms200 yards/meters15%1–3 yards/meters
Light Support Weapon [projectile]Military Training (Heavy Weapons)200 yards/meters10% [Armor Piercing 3]3 yards/meters
Light Support LaserMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)2000 yards/meters10% [Armor Piercing 3]3 yards/meters
Heavy Support Weapon [projectile]Military Training (Heavy Weapons)400 yards/meters20% [Armor Piercing 53 yards/meters
Heavy Support LaserMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)4000 yards/meters20% [Armor Piercing 53 yards/meters
Hand GrenadeAthletics20 yards/meters15%10 yards/meters
Improvised Explosive DeviceMilitary Training (Demolitions)N/A15%10 yards/meters
Grenade launcherMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)150 yards/meters15%10 yards/meters
Rocket-propelled grenadeMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)200 yards/meters30%10 yards/meters
Missile launcherMilitary Training (Heavy Weapons)2000 yards/meters40%15 yards/meters

*Plasma rifles fire single shots, but their plasma bolts spall on impact, creating a Kill Radius.

Selective Fire

Type of FireAmmo UsedLethalityKill Radius
Short Burst310%None
Long Burst510%1 yard/meter
Short Spray1010%2 yards/meters
Long Spray2010%3 yards/meters