A Moveable Feast

Today I’ll try to write the mechanics for the nightclub in my short fiction from yesterday.

A Moveable Feast.

The Gremlin club is an unnatural manifestation. It appears across urban spaces, as a club, bar, or concert venue. Its appearance changes, depending on the atmosphere or style of the city or neighborhood.

People that are part of its respective audience subculture always know about it. They insist on taking people that aren’t in the know.

In there, a player character (PC) is faced with a mirror image of themselves in the form they dream they can be. The interaction seems off and may inflict SAN damage 1.

If the PC continues interacting with the manifestation, they are inevitable seduced by another manifestation: a close connection they lost.

The two manifestations pursue the PC throughout the night, pushing for more reckless activities: drugs, car races, brawls, etc.

Inevitably, they suffer an accident. When the PC suffers any harm, their body is swapped with the body of the one they coveted. The connection they lost in the past is nearby.


  1. Assume Call of Cthulhu / Delta Green / Cthulhu Eternal. ↩