Intro and purpose


This will post be outlining the purpose of this blog.

I will attempt to organize for myself a routine of solo gaming.

I want to try out the Scum & Villainy system for a solo game.

The reasons:

  1. I know it.
  2. It’s fiction-first.
  3. It has a built-in structure.

For oracles I will use Mythic GM and other sources, as I see fit.

I will have posts that will be either session logs or world building. I don’t want to do all the world-building in Session 0. I will use mainly Starforged for this, as it outlines what I would need to create a sector of adventure.

Other sources:

  • Stars without Number
  • Worlds without Number


I will be using quotes, like



as asides. These can contain commentary or dice roll results.

Sector Start

Setting Overview

This is in the far future. Not clear when.

Humanity has expanded to the stars.

The main power is held by the United Nations. Their power is mostly ineffectual and slowed by bureaucracy.

There are other factions and corporations that run mining and spacing operations.

Magic and such exist, are very rare, and very dangerous. It originated due to the strange energies between the stars. Some settlements encountered these vortices, have tried to harness and control this, have failed, and contact has lost with them ages ago. Those with which contact has been lost were also the main connection points to other further out settlements. These further settlements have either failed and died off, or reverted to barbarism. I will refer to this magic as the MES (Metadimensional Energy) or β€œthe Vortex”.

  1. Starting region: Outlands. This is the outskirts of the UN space.


I will use the outline for creating a sector, from Starforged, pg. 112.

  1. Determine settlements
  • Settlement Name (page 287)
  • Location (page 284)
  • Population (page 284)
  • Authority (page 285)
  • Settlement Projects (page 286); roll 1-2 times


Location: Orbital Population: Dozens

Authority: Ineffectual Projects:

  • Mining
  • Expansion

Planet: Tainted World. A foul planet wracked by a poisonous climate and virulent growths.


a more space-y name here

Location: deep space.

so it’s just floating in deep space, not orbiting a planet. Cool!

Pop.: Thousands

one chunky boi

Auth.: Ineffectual


  • Spirituality
  • Entertainment

Interestiiing. So we have some sort of religion in this setting.

This is a religion based on worshiping the Vortex energies.

Entertainment makes me think of perhaps a group of traveling artists that travel between the settlements here. My character could belong to this.


Location: Planetside Pop.: Tens of Thousands

this is the main settlement in the Outlands

Authority: Ineffectual



  • Agriculture
  • Subsistence

The settlement of Pinnacle is the main flourishing human outpost in the sector. It has successfully established a terraforming project. However, it is struggling with corruption and power in-fighting.

Planet type: Jovian. A massive planet.

Transit lines

The Outlands sector only has two safe, secured transit lines. These are between Pinnacle and Florin. The line with Neoma has been recently affected by issues. The last two ships that have went that way were never heard from again.

This could be an interesting hook


I used to draw this

I will copy all this info into the Overview page. This will contain the setting and current PCs, NPCs, factions etc.

Next time I will zoom in on the Settlement and create the character(s). I haven’t decided on whether I will be playing one character or two.