Yes, I skipped a few days, life happens.

Let’s continue with another god.

Boghost, the Lingerer

Boghost is the Lingerer 1 whose domain is lies, deceit, and trickery. It grows as humanity lie and deceive each other. At the same time, it destroys what it feeds on. For example, if a politician lies to their constituents, Boghost intrudes into the mindspace of the treachery, and expands its on the collection subconscious layer, like a wound that invites infection. Unless the right cleansing ritual is employed β€” magic, social, or personal β€” the lie grows to destroy the relationship and cohesion of all those involved.


  1. Another euphemism human occultists use to describe the hypothesized entities that have spanned across multiple Universes. Scientists studying the secret of the cosmos identified these processes as having no clear beginning or end, but, as scientists, they cannot ascribe them any sort of consciousness or human-like intentionality or agency. ↩