Monsters: Onichus (Stats)

Today I’m gonna try to flesh out some rough stats for the Onichus I’ve outlined yesterday (see above).

These are for DG/Cthulhu Eternal.

So this is a sort of zombie (a decaying human body) that, as it dies and decomposes, it gains more intense mental (telekinetic and telepathic) powers.

The aliens work by slowing down the metabolism and brainwaves, feeding off of the dissipation of entropy from the human. It needs a long time to grow in power, so it needs to move into a young body, as the build-up of “dissipated entropy” (yeah sci-fi mumbo jumbo, sue me, it’s fun and great) feeds the Onichus.

So, mechanically, we should tie taking damage and lower stats (HP, CON, DEX) with greater telepathic/mental etc. powers of sorts.

When it dies, the alien energy leaves the body and searches for a new healthy body.

Onichus take full control over their hosts in the latter stages of their lifespans, when their body begins to decay, or when deathly sick or dying (from violence or other causes). When they do, they gain the following abilities:

TELEPATHY. The Onichu can communicate via thoughts with anyone within visual sight, if they pass an opposed POW tests. If the Onichu fails, the target is not aware of the attempt, they only feel a slight throbbing of a headache. The thoughts of the Onichu manifest as a conversation. The human body can no longer communicate normally, but only with grunts.

TELEKINESIS. The Onichu can move items with a successful POW check up to 2D10 meters, up to car-sized. Car-sized -40%; Motorcycle: -30%; Human -20%; Table or larger furniture -10% etc. They can throw the item to damage a target, with another INT check, with the same modifier.

REACH OUT. The Onichu can open mirror-surfaces that they can extend themselves through at a target with a successful INT check. They can extend their arms and perform a normal attack (unarmed or with a melee weapon) through the mirror-surfaces. The mirrors last 1D4 turns.

DECAYING. As the Onichu loses HP, it becomes more powerful. For every point lost from its initial HP (based on CON and STR) from whatever source, they gain a point of either INT or POW, up to the GM. When it dies, the alien escapes the body and can attempt to infect another human. They pick targets of 20 years or younger. The Onichu must pass an opposed POW and INT check. The Onichu suffers a penalty equal to the number of years the target has above 20. The target must be within visual sight. If none exist or the check fails, the Onichu perishes, unleashing mental anguish and strange physical effects (1/1D6 SAN and 1D4 HP damage).